

In the News


Note:  The following are articles are from newspaper clippings, personal accounts, and other sources that were written about Vaiden or Vaiden residents.  Every effort has been taken to insure that they appear exactly (spelling, punctuation, etc.) as they did in the article.  Although these articles were available to scan as images, I have decided to re-type them as text to save space and loading time.  If provided, cites to the articles will appear at the beginning of each article.  Some articles, however, do not have dates or other information attributing them to their respective owner or author.  If readers can provide the correct cites for any article appearing without one, I will be pleased to add them.  Ron Collins



Dr. Thomas Weir Fullilove


From typed account by  Mrs. Edith Fullilove Kitchens



Dr. Thomas Weir Fullilove was born in Carroll County, MS, July 31, 1851, son of Thomas Jefferson Fullilove (born Oglethorpe County, GA, Aug. 20, 1807, died Carroll County, MS, Oct. 21, 1888) and Mary Adeline Taylor (born Alabama Dec. 25, 1821, died Carroll County, MS, May 30, 1856).  Father of Thomas Jefferson Fullilove was John Fullilove II, born 1780, son of John Fullilove I.


Children of Thomas Jefferson Fullilove and Mary Adeline Taylor Fullilove were:

            John H. Fullilove – moved to Texas

            Asbury B. Fullilove – married Felicitis Bryant

            Sally Fullilove – married Dr. Samuel J. Hairston

            M.A. (Addie) – married Dr. H. Weems of Van Buren, Ark.

            Thomas Weir Fullilove – married Annie Rivers Knott


Thomas Weir Fullilove attended University of Mississippi and graduated from Emery and Henry College, VA, in 1871 with first honor of his class.  He began medical studies at University of Virginia in 1873-74.  In fall of 1874 he entered Bellevue Hospital Medical College, NY, graduating in spring of 1875; then received appointment to staff of Charity Hospital, New York.  In 1876 Dr. Fullilove returned to Carroll County, MS, and began practice in Vaiden.


On March 13, 1879, Dr. Fullilove married Miss Annie Rivers Knott, daughter of Rev. J.W. Knott, pastor of First Methodist Church in Memphis, TN.  Dr. and Mrs. Fullilove adopted a daughter, Annie Rivers.


In 1890 Dr. Fullilove spent three months in New York taking course of lectures.  He was active in Mississippi State Medical Association and was a member of the American Medical Association; was a Methodist.


Dr. Fullilove died April 4, 1905.  He is buried beside his wife and daughter (who had married Dr. Sam Guess) in the Vaiden Cemetery in a lot adjoining the Stuckey-Holmes lot.




Dr. Thomas Weir Fullilove


From: BIOGRAPHICAL & HISTORICAL MEMOIRS OF MISSISSIPPI, Vol. I, Pages 770-771, published by the Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1891,

Chicago, located in the Department of Archives, War Memorial Building, Jackson, Mississippi

Text of Article owned by Mrs. Edith Fullilove Kitchens



“Prominent among the medical profession of Carroll County, Mississippi, is Dr. Thomas W. Fullilove, Vaiden, Mississippi, whose history will occupy the following space.  He was born in Carroll County, Mississippi, July 31, 1851, and is a son of Thomas Jefferson Fullilove, a native of Oglethorpe County, Ga., born August 20, 1807.  The father of Thomas Jefferson Fullilove was named John.  His grandfather was a native of England, and was the only member of his family who emigrated to the United States.  T.J.F. removed to Autauga County, Alabama, when he was still a young man, and there married Miss Adeline Taylor, who was born, reared and educated in that state.  After a few years he removed to Noxubee County, Mississippi, and at the end of two years, about the year 1843, he moved to Carroll County.  He settled on a plantation on which he lived until his death.  He passed out of this life in October 1888.  His wife had died in 1856.  He was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and was a Royal Arch Mason.  He was a man of great integrity of character, had excellent business qualifications, and no one of the community stood higher than he.  He lost heavily in personal property by the war, but was enabled to retrieve his fortunes.  His family consisted of 3 sons and 3 daughters: J.H. Fullilove is at present a farmer in Texas; A.B. Fullilove resides on the old home farm in Carroll County; Mrs. S.T. Hairston (wife of Dr. S.J. Hairston) resides in Ozark, Arkansas; Mrs. M.A. Weems is the wife of Dr. H. Weems of Van Buren, Arkansas; Thomas W. received his education in the University of Mississippi and in Emory and Henry College, Virginia, graduation from the latter institution in 1871 with the first honor of his class.  He then began his medical studies, taking the first course of lectures in the Medical Department of the University of Virginia, in the session of 1873-74.  In the fall of 1874, he entered Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, and was graduated in the spring of 1875.  He then received an appointment on the staff of Charity Hospital, N.Y., where he practiced and for one year received instruction from the leading physicians of New York City. 


In 1876 he returned to Carroll County, and in July of that year he located in Vaiden and began the practice of his profession.  He has built up a large practice and has met with much more than ordinary success.  His honesty and integrity has won for him the respect and confidence of all.  He takes an active interest in the proceedings of his profession and is a member of the State Medical Association and the American Medical Association.  In addition to his professional duties, he finds time to direct a fine plantation which is located near Vaiden.  In the spring of 1890 the Doctor spent three months in New York, taking a supplementary course of lectures.  He has left nothing undone in his power to fit himself for the duties of his profession and well deserves the reputation he has won.  Dr. Fullilove was united in marriage in Memphis on March 13, 1879, to Miss Annie Rivers Knott, of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  She is a fine musician and highly accomplished in art.  The Doctor and his wife have an adopted daughter, Annie Rivers, a bright little girl of nine years.  They are both worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  Dr.  Fullilove belongs to the Knights of Honor.”




Gone to Arizona


From a newspaper clipping owned by Mrs. Edith Fullilove Kitchens

Source and date not available, but is possibly from

The Carroll News, a Vaiden Newspaper in existence from

1901 - 1915.  Dr. T.W. Fullilove died in 1905



On last Saturday afternoon Dr. and Mrs. T.W. Fullilove left our town to make their home at Solomonsville, Arizona.  They leave here hosts of friends who feel that their places can never be filled, and the people of Solomonsville are to be congratulated upon the acquisition of such noble citizens.  Dr. Fullilove is a genial and dignified gentleman, gently, quietly, but unmistakably influencing every thing for good, and showing himself faithful, upright kind and true in every relation of life.  As a physician, he possesses a mind strong in its grasp and analysis of the difficult problems of disease, and he always brings into the sick room a sympathy so deep and tender for the suffering that his very presence is a quieting tonic to the weak and nervous, and does good to the patient like a medicine.  His most estimable wife is a lady, fitted to grace any position, possessing to a remarkable degree of transforming power that brightens all with whom she comes in contact and a happy, cheerful disposition which lightens all care.  We regret their departure and envy the people of Solomonsville, yet we feel that we have been fortunate to have known them, and the good wishes and earnest prayers of many devoted friends follow them to their new home.




Senator-Elect Hugh Bailey and His Donkey


H.D. Palmertree


Lloyd Rogers’ Garden


Emmitt Winters Remembers


John Hurt Article – Part 1       John Hurt Article – Part 2


The Murder of Louis Riley


The Murder of Joe Smith


The Murder of Elton Williams