Murder of Elton Williams
Constable is Murdered by Negro The Conservative, January 6, 1966.
P. 1. A fourteen-year old Negro boy, who shot and killed
Vaiden Constable Elton L. Williams Monday night, was being held in jail in
Greenwood Tuesday on a murder charge. The shooting of the 63-year old constable followed
a series of incidents involving the parolee from the Oakley Correctional
Institute. According to investigating authorities, the
14-year old boy, Charlie Gomilla, first stole a new
Buick automobile belonging to Carroll County Welfare Agent George Tubeville [Turbeville], Jr.,
about 8:00 o’clock. Shortly after 9:00, he was involved in a wreck just
south of Vaiden on old Highway 35 and the stolen car was almost completely demolished.
The driver of the other car was not seriously injured, nor was the
Negro boy, who fled the accident scene. About an hour later, Gomilla
was reported to Carroll County deputy Charger Michie as “showing off” with a
rifle at the home of Lena Greer.
Michie and state highway patrolman, J.W.
Gibson went to the Greer residence, but the Negro youth had already left. A short time after the officers departed,
constable Williams arrived at the Greer residence to investigate the same
tip. Gomilla
shot him from a haystack near the house, just as he was getting out of his
car. The constable, shot in the
stomach with a .22 rifle, apparently was killed instantly. Neighbors called the sheriff’s office and patrolman Gibson, the first to arrive back at the scene,
said Williams was dead when he arrived. Services for Mr. Williams were held at 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday at the Edgeworth Baptist Church in Webster County. Burial was in the church cemetery with
Oliver Funeral Home in charge. Mr. Williams was born in Webster County and later
moved to Tomnolen.
He was a retired farmer and had been constable of Beat 5 of Carroll
County two years. He was a Baptist. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mattie Taylor Williams;
three daughters, Mrs. Opal England of Jackson, Mrs. Doris McCain of Vicksburg and Miss Joan Williams of Jackson; and a sister,
Mrs. Eliza Sally of Eupora. Elton Ladell Williams –
08/28/1902 – 01/03/1966 More information, if available, will be added at
a later date. |