Vaiden’s Fighting Forces


Vaiden Artillery


Source: Dunbar Rowland, Mississippi Official and Statistical Register, 1908.  Pp. 852-853.


Vaiden Artillery (Company L), First Regiment Light Artillery, was organized at Vaiden, November, 1861.  It was changed to Company E., March 6, 1865.


In February, 1862, the Vaiden Battery, described as a new company of artillery, was sent to reinforce the army in Tennessee.  They were assigned to Chalmer’s Brigade March 9, 1862.  When it became apparent that Grant was bending every effort to capture Vicksburg, the Vaiden Artillery was sent there and was given a prominent and important position in defense of that stronghold.  It was the largest company made up in Carroll County.


The regiment assembled in camp of instruction near Jackson in May, 1862, and elected field officers.


Roll of Vaiden Artillery:

(May Not Be Complete)

Baines, S.C., Captain
Sanderson, A.J., 1st Lt.
Young, W.P., Junior 1st Lt.
Wilbanks, D., 2nd Lt.
Young, J.S., Junior 2nd Lt.
Collins, E.M., Lts. promoted
Wood, E.L., Lts. promoted
Simpson, John B., 1st Sgt.
Winfrey, A.F., Ordinance Sgt.
McEachern, J.D., Sgt.
Pilcher, J.S., Sgt.
Hairston, W.H., Sgt.
Oldham, F.C., Sgt.
McEacher, W.H., 1st Corp.
Buck, T.C., 2nd Corp.
Harris, J.T., 3rd Corp.
Kaigler, A.A., 4th Corp.
Weir, W.C., 5th Corp.
Mecklin, R.W., Corp.
Oldham, D.T., Corp.
Hamilton, T.A., Corp.
Hemphill, A.J., Corp





(Sources N/A)


Samuel C. Baines, of Vaiden, Carroll County, raised a company of 149 men known as the Vaiden Artillery.  In 1861 he was made captain of this company and did a valuable service throughout the war.  He made a gallant stand in the Battles of Shiloh and Corinth and was in the Siege of Vicksburg, where he was taken prisoner.  He was afterwards exchanged and rejoined his army and participated in the Siege of Mobile.  After the war he returned to Carroll County where he attained great success, filling many county offices.



Company A, Carroll County

(Mississippi Rangers)


Source: Dunbar Rowland, Mississippi Official and Statistical Register, 1908.  Pp. 838-840.


Company A, Carroll County, of Ballentine’s Regiment Cavalry, enlisted at Vaiden April 10, 1862.  February, 1864, there were seventy-six men enrolled and fifty-three on duty in this company.


This regiment was formed in time to participate in the operations attending the battles of Iuka, Corinth, and Coffeeville in September and December of 1862.  The regiment never received a number and was known throughout the war as Ballentine’s Battalion or Regiment.


In January, 1863, Ballentine’s Battalion was listed among the troops to accompany Van Dorn’s expedition into Tennessee.


February 22, 1865, General Chalmers ordered Ballentine’s Regiment consolidated with the Seventh in Armstrong’s Brigade.  This brigade held the line of works at Selma, Alabama, April 2, 1865.


All the troops of the department were paroled until the capitulation of Lieutenant-General Richard Taylor May 4, 1865.




(Sources N/A)


In 1862, Mississippi Rangers were organized at Vaiden, with W.H. Ford as captain.  This company was given a place in Ballentine’s Regiment as company A.  After several months of service, Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob Johnson Thompson of Oxford, resigned, and Captain Ford became Major.  After the war, he returned to Vaiden with his gallant soldiers.



Vaiden Guards

(Captain Applewhite’s Company)


Source: Dunbar Rowland, Mississippi Official and Statistical Register, 1908.  Pp. n/a.


Vaiden Guards (Captain Applewhite’s Company) was organized at Vaiden by Captain Joseph A. Applewhite and was composed of about fifty-six men.



In 1862, Mississippi Rangers were organized at Vaiden, with W.H. Ford as captain.  This company was given a place in Ballentine’s Regiment as company A.  After several months of service, Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob Johnson Thompson of Oxford, resigned, and Captain Ford became Major.  After the war, he returned to Vaiden with his gallant soldiers.



Stanford’s Battery


Stanford’s Battery, of Yalobusha County, was organized May 17, 1861, and mustered into service of the Confederate States at Grenada November 6, 1861.  The battery was reinforced before going into the battle of April 6, 1862, by a detachment of the Vaiden Artillery. 


Carroll County men belonging to this company were as follows:  [ LIST AVAILABLE SOON ]