Sunbeam Activities Sunbeam
Pictures The [Ed. Note: Photo 4 was a Sunbeam birthday party for
Joe Lynn Gant and Pam Cross (seen seated at the table behind their Birthday
Cakes.)] Vaiden Outlook By
Mrs. T.C. Vaiden The Conservative, November 16, 1961, P. 4 SUNBEAM BAND HONORED WITH HALLOWEEN PARTY Mrs. Juanita Collins and Mrs. Hazel Fullilove honored
their sons, Ronnie Collins and Jack Fullilove, with a Halloween Party at the
home of Mrs. Collins on Oct.31st.
Members of the Sunbeam band of The dining room was decorated in Halloween colors of
orange and black, with balloons of all colors hanging at intervals throughout
the room. A large jack-o-lantern
encircled with fall leaves formed the center piece at the refreshment
table. The tablecloth and napkins
carried out the Halloween motif. After several games were played and much merriment, the
hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Louise Caddess and Mrs. Frances Shirley, served
the guests punch, ice cream and cookies.
The favors were pumpkins filled with candy, Halloween hats, whistles,
and poppers. Those enjoying
the party with the honored guests were: Brenda Calhoun, Pamela Cross, Diane Eades,
Joe Lynn and James Allen Gant, Bruce, Kirk, and Beth Welch, Jane Lowery,
Vickie O’Briant, Ricky and Theresa Shirley, Chris and Owen Palmertree, and
Tommy Evans. Another “Sunbeam,” Cindy
Dulin, was ill and unable to attend. Vaiden Outlook The
The “Sunbeams” of The living room was
decorated with poinsettias and greenery.
The Christmas tree was adorned with many lights that was of interest
to the group. Gifts were exchanged and
Carols were sung. The centerpiece of the
refreshment table consisted of poinsettias, pine and red candles. Mrs. Juanita Collins assisted Mrs. Caddess
in serving punch, Cookies, and candies to the guests. Plates and napkins carried out the “Santa
Claus” motif. Favors were red boots of
candies. After the party, Mrs.
Caddess and the Sunbeams delivered “love gifts” of fruits and other goodies
to four of Vaiden’s lovely elderly ladies.
Carols were sung by the group at each home they visited. Those present for the
occasion were Brenda Calhoun, Pamela Cross, Ronnie Collins, Cindy Dulin,
Betty Ferguson, Jane Lowery, Vicki O’Briant, and Billy McCorkle. Other guests were Mrs. Maxine Calhoun, Mrs.
A. J. Ferguson, and Mrs. James McCorkle. Vaiden Outlook By
Mrs. T.C. Vaiden The
April 26, 1962, P. 6. SUNBEAMS
HONORED BY MRS. WILSON [CADDESS] The Sunbeams were honored with an Easter egg hunt at the home
of Mrs. Wilson Caddess, Friday. Mrs.
Maxine Calhoun was co-hostess for the occasion. Prizes were won by Joe Lynn Gant, Kirk Welch and Chris
Palmertree. Chris Palmertree was surprised with a decorated birthday
cake and gift from Mrs. Caddess. Refreshments were served by Wanda and Linda Calhoun,
Betty Winters, and Judy Hogue. The Sunbeams present were: Chris and Owens Palmertree,
Ronnie Collins, Diane Eades, Brenda Calhoun, Pamela Cross, Cindy Dulin, Beth,
Bruce and Kirk Welch, Joe Lynn and James Allen Gant, Jack Fullilove, Jane
Lowery, Betty Ferguson, Billy Britt, and Peter Raby. Others attending were Rev. and Mrs. Earl Ezell and
Melonie, Rita Yates,Mrs. Hubert Britt and Sandra, Mrs. Elton Raby, Ellen and
Susan, Mrs. Hazel Fullilove, Mrs. Juanita Collins, and “Bubber” Calhoun. 1962
Easter Egg Hunt Photos Photo 1 – Rev. Earl Ezell and the kids Vaiden Outlook By
Mrs. T.C. Vaiden The
November 8, 1962, P. 3. SUNBEAMS
ENTERTAINED Mrs. Wilson Caddess
entertained the members of the Baptist Sunbeam band with a Halloween Party in
her home, Oct. 21st. The living room was
decorated to fit the occasion, in the usual colors – black and orange, and
various colored balloons. A big
jack-o-lantern surrounded by fall leaves adorned the table. After games were played
and prizes presented to the winners, Mrs. Caddess presented birthday gifts to
Pam Cross and Peter Raby, as the group sang “Happy Birthday.” Mesdames E.P. Raby,
Charles Locke and Hubert Britt assisted Mrs. Caddess in serving punch,
cookies, and candies to the group.
Halloween favors were given to each child. Members present for the
occasion were: Pam Cross, Ronnie Collins, Brenda Calhoun, Billy Britt, Peter
Raby, Cindy Dulin, Beth and Kirk Welch, Ricky Bufkin, Beverly and Teresa
Locke, Sherry and Dale Chisholm. Others present were: Mrs.
E.P. Raby and Ellen, Mrs. Hubert Britt and Susan, Mrs. Elaine Locke, Owen and
Chris Palmertree, Mrs. A.C. Long and Carl Long and Al of Birmingham, Ala. Vaiden Outlook By
Mrs. T.C. Vaiden The
November 22, 1962, P. 2. SUNBEAM
BAND The Sunbeam band of Vaiden
Baptist Church met in the home of Mrs. Mrs. Caddess urges that all
children from four through 8 years of age enroll in the Sunbeams. The next meeting will be
Thursday, November 29th, in the home of Mrs. Caddess. Vaiden Outlook By
Mrs. T.C. Vaiden The
April 25, 1963, P. 3. SUNBEAMS
ENTERTAINED The Sunbeams of The parents of the
Sunbeams were invited to attend, and a special egg hunt was arranged for the
tiny tots present. Of this group, Melonie
Ezell won the prize for finding the most eggs, and also won the prize for
finding the “Queen’s Nest.” Cindy Dulin won 1st
Prize for finding the most eggs in the Sunbeam Group. Ronnie Collins won second place, Billy
Britt won a prize in a guessing game that was played. Wanda Calhoun and Betty
Ferguson, G.A.’s, assisted in hiding the eggs. Mrs. Juanita Collins
served punch, cookies, candies and Easter favors to the 40 that attended the
hunt. 1963
Easter Egg Hunt Photos |