Mayoral Altercation The
Weekly Clarion, We are sorry to announce
another shooting affray, which took place in Vaiden, Carroll county,
last week. Mr. Daniel Grantham was fined
by Mr. Sproles, the Mayor, for riotous conduct, and
on refusing to pay the fine Mr. Williams the constable, levied on his horse. Grantham afterwards went
to Sproles, in his office, and asked him if he
intended to make him pay the fine. Sproles told him that he did; whereupon Grantham drew a
pistol and attempted to shoot Sproles, but Sproles knocked the pistol up, and the ball took effect in
the eye of Williams, killing him instantly. Sproles then caught the pistol,
and during the scuffle Grantham fired, the ball taking effect in the groin of
Mr. Sproles, inflicting, it is thought a mortal
wound. At last accounts Mr. Sproles was living, but there was
little hopes of his recovery. ------ [Ed. Note: In the research (so far), no mention is made
of Mr. Sproles’ or Mr. Williams’ first name, and no records have been found to indicate the
duration of Mr. Sproles’ term as Vaiden
Mayor. However, if the mayor’s name was S.R. Sproles
(and if he is the same S.R. Sproles that is buried in the The Weekly Clarion. (Jackson, Miss.), 07 Feb. 1867. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. The Weekly Clarion. (Jackson, Miss.), 31 March 1880. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. |