On October 25
and 26, 2001, I had the privilege to
re-visit the Vaiden
High School, which has
been closed since 1999. I would like to express my sincere thanks
to the 2001
Carroll County Superintendent of Education -- Susan Murphy -- and the Carroll County School Board –
Rubye Miller, Mike O’Neal, Kenneth DeLoach, Danny Brower, and Laura Norwood
Davis -- for allowing me to document
my journey into the place where I spent twelve wonderful years of my life and
met many people. Some of them are no longer with us, and some are my dearest
friends. The memories that haunt these
halls are the spectre of life; roaming and
searching; crying out for this building to once again hear the voices of
children and the applause for achievements that are mere idiosyncrasies to
those of us that have long since become hardened at the realities of life. This building is not a place to visit with
a hardened heart. Though the walls are
now cold and the building is desolate, this is a place for a gathering of
souls…a place where prayer was once a priority and knives could be brought as
something to be admired, rather than as an instrument of destruction. This was a place where disgruntled students
settled an argument behind the Band Hall after school with fists, not with
knives and guns. Fights were fought
fairly and one-on-one. If there was
ever any sign of unfairness, the onlookers would stop the fight in an
instant. And…the following day, the
participants would pay dearly with a trip to the Principal’s Office, where a
dose of reality would be instilled back into those involved via injection
with the famous (and equally infamous) “electric paddle.”
Those days are gone – not
through the wishes of the majority, but the minority that rallied for the
elimination of prayer and corporal punishment. Never was the phrase “Going to Hell in a
Handbasket” more true. Never again
would “God is Great; God is Good, Let Us Thank Him For Our Food; By Thy
Hands; We Are Fed; Thank the Lord for Daily Bread; AMEN!” be heard in the
school lunch room. Never again would
Fridays in that lunch room ring with the voices of children as they enjoyed
their sandwich day in the company of their friends – with traces of the
“Lunch Room’s” famous “sweet sandwich” (a mixture of peanut butter and honey)
stuck to the roof of their mouths. All
of those good times ended for many students – either through graduation into
the cold, cruel world, or by our “illustrious” (and oft-misguided) court
system’s constant mistakes while under the guise of “fairness in
education.” Gone are the days of the
baseball games by the Band Hall (which usually resulted in a broken 4th Grade window), the
ancient merry-go-round that was in front of the auditorium, the “newer”
merry-go-round that was outside the 4th
Grade window or the giant swings and the two huge slides (one for the boys
and one for the girls). No longer will
kids hide atop the hill at the edge of Mr. Prewitt’s yard and, as “Indians,”
attack the “Cowboys” on the merry-go-round (which served as the Wagon Train
(imagine a real wagon train in a circle formation as protection from the
imminent attacks by the “Indians” on “Indian Hill” by
Mr. Prewitt’s house)), resulting in the capture of those “Cowboys” and their
enslavement under the cedar trees atop that hill. Gone is the “Wanted” posters that we would
make in class and, at recess, that we would use to capture and jail our
“criminals” in the “jails” at the auditorium entrance. Gone is the old gym that was once an
airplane hangar at Camp
McCain and was home to
so many during sports activities. Gone
is the football field and bleachers that used to be packed on Tuesdays for
Pee Wee Football and on Friday nights for high school football, and for track
meets. Gone is the concession stand
atop those bleachers with the “score house” atop it, where the scorekeepers
would perch during the games. And,
gone are the childhood sayings such as: “Bell
Rung, Bell
Rung; Teacher Got Her Tail Hung,” or “Glory, Glory Hallelujah! Teacher Hit Me With A Ruler; Met Her in the
Door with a Luger .44;
Now the Teacher Don’t Teach No More !”
Of Course, those were just sayings.
Thirty Years later, kids WOULD meet their teachers with loaded
guns across the United
It all went downhill from there.
Regardless of the mistakes
of the courts or the failure of the “system,” these halls are sacred. They are the epitome of childhood. They are a place where respect was earned,
not forced upon; where a student would actually learn from his or her
mistakes, not become instilled with hatred because he or she had been dealt
discipline for something that he had done wrong.
Although I’ve covered the
origins of Vaiden’s schools on the SCHOOLS
PAGE, with many pictures of the Vaiden School located there, I
thought it fit to include pictures of the building that brought out the
greatness in all of us as it appears today (October, 2001). She is now a cold shell of what she once
was, and she weeps for the loss of her maternal influence upon so many, but
she still stands, ready to protect and defend her kids. But, like so many, we’ve abandoned her,
grown into adulthood, and think ourselves “above” her influence. Oh, we who know so little, forgetful of a
place that taught us so much. Like our
loved ones, she will one day be gone, but she will live on in these pictures,
and in the memories of those of us who still care.
FOREWORD: The descriptions of the pictures on this
page are those from the memories of a tried and true Vaiden student from 1960 – 1972.
The classrooms are described as such.
You may remember some of the classrooms as having a different purpose
from what I’ve listed. Also, keep in mind that many things have changed since
my graduation in 1972. I will try to explain in detail, where
DEDICATION: Of course, anyone with a conscience would
thank GOD and his or her parents and family members for instilling a sense of
pride and appreciation for those things afforded them. That is what I do here: To my Mother and Father, Juanita Hambrick
Collins and Alf Trotter Collins and my Aunt and Uncle, Louise Hambrick
Caddess and Wilson Monroe Caddess: I love you more than any words that can
ever be written. Thank You for giving me those memories. To my next generation, my two wonderful
sons Cody Ryan Collins and Sean Eric Collins: Thank You for listening to all
my tales of Vaiden and of all the memories which make us all a part of what
we are today, and for actually becoming interested in what I have to
say. Thank You also for visiting my
school with me on December 8,
2001, and for
performing “The Night Before Christmas” and “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
for me on the very stage at Vaiden School that inspired so many. The “Collins Method Actors” truly have
potential. Encore! Encore!
I love you endlessly.
When asked if any teacher
during my school years made a positive impact on me above all others, I would
have to say that, although most of
the teachers I had influenced me positively in one way or another, the one
that influenced me most was MISS GRACE HATCHER. In my childhood stupidity, and as her
student in various classes from the 6th
through the 12th
grades, I tried my best not to believe a word she said. I tried not to listen in class, and to cut
up more than normal, but she stuck by me with that unfaltering hope that I
would one day see the light. Miss
Grace, I’ve seen it. If there ever is
an opening for Teacher of the Century, I’ll be there to nominate you. I know that there will be many more of your
students to second the nomination.
Also, Mrs. Frank (Beatrice) Prewitt and Mrs. Lamar (Martha) Bowie
were inspirations that shall never be forgotten. Mrs. Prewitt was not only my neighbor and
friend, but the teacher that got me started in school, and helped send me
down the right path. Mrs. Bowie kept
me there. Of all the years I’ve played
music, Mrs. Bowie has forgotten more about music than I’ll ever know. The above three ladies -- Miss Grace, Mrs.
Prewitt, and Mrs. Bowie – were divine inspirations. If ever angels walked the earth, three of
them taught at Vaiden. Unbeknownst to
them, they are still teaching.
MENTION: Just as Miss Grace believed
in me, there was one at Vaiden that didn’t.
I shall not call his name, but I shall tell you that he was the
Principal at Vaiden when I graduated in 1972. When
I was in Elementary School, he had the audacity to tell my mother that I
would never amount to anything. I
cannot imagine the impact that had on my mother, but I know the impact it had
on me. Being not of Divine origin and
in the realization that I am only an ordinary human like everyone else below
Heaven, I can forgive, but I cannot forget those remarks. However I can assure you that I am
something. I have my education and a
wonderful family. I can also assure
you that what I have become in life and any positive input I received along
the way was NOT the result of anything you ever did or said. I’ve lived my life thus far and proved you
wrong. Just as wrong as you were then,
you are wrong now to think any differently.
However, I hope that God will forgive you for that remark, if it is
His will to do so. What does not kill
us, only makes us stronger. And,
sometimes, it really pisses us off.
Although you held the title of Principal in 1972, there never was but ONE Principal
while I attended Vaiden
School. That person was Mr. Frank Prewitt. And, I
can assure you that you’re not him.
MENTION # 2: Only one other person should be mentioned
in this category. He was the Head
Coach at Vaiden in 1969. Once again, no names will be
mentioned. A thief “stole” the
information from my SCHOOLS PAGE in an attempt to create a
“shrine” to honor two of Vaiden’s coaches. One of these coaches deserves the accolades
he earned, as he later became a Principal at Vaiden. The Head coach, however, deserves nothing,
just as the web thief deserves nothing for ripping off someone else’s hard
work to claim as his own. Coach, I can
assure you that there’s NOTHING honorable about you. Sorry is as sorry does.
[Ed. NOTE: There are times
in our lives that we realize that, although we might not like some people
that have crossed our path, we must arrive at the realization that they, as
teachers, were just doing their job and, although we might not have agreed
with them at the time, we must forgive them.
After all, “to err is human; to forgive, divine.” Although we can forgive, but never forget,
today, February 3, 2008, I forgive these two people for the things that have
affected me throughout the years. I
hope they can forgive me for my transgressions, as well. In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti. Amen.]

More Information
on Vaiden’s Schools
Vaiden’s Schools Vaiden Bulldogs Schedules
The Rush Weir Will Graduating Classes
You May Remember These Rooms As For Some Class Other Than What I’ve
Listed. If you do, please let me know,
so I can mention it on these pages.

School Building Exterior and Grounds
Elementary School Plaque -- High
School Plaque
[Ed. Note: The R.C. Weir Memorial
Building (Vaiden Elementary and High
School Building)
was completed in 1941 through the W.A. Project 7233. It was constructed by E.L. Malvaney, who also built the E.T. Woolfolk State Office Building in 1949
in Jackson, MS, as well as the Mississippi War Memorial Building in
1939, also in Jackson, MS]
Read more on E,L, Malvaney
(from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Lucian_Malvaney)
Entrance to Elementary
Front of School -- Outdoor
Water Fountain and Elementary (Western) Entrance
Outdoor Water Fountain and
Elementary (Western) Entrance # 2
Southwest View -- Southwest
View # 2
View From the West -- View
From Band Hall
Behind School Looking
Eastward -- Rear of School (Lunchroom
Rear of School From Parking
Lot -- Eastern Lunchroom Entrance
Eastern Lunchroom Entrance #
2 -- Eastern Lunchroom Entrance
from Newer Lunchrooms
Eastern Side of Auditorium
and Entrance by Principal’s Office
-- New(er) Lunchrooms
View from Home Economics
Dept. -- Eastern Auditorium Entrance
Entrance by Principal’s
Office -- Southwestern View of School
Rear View of Boy’s Restrooms -- View
from Western Lunchroom Doors
View of 3rd and 6th
Grade and A/V Room from Lunchroom
-- Another View of Eastern Side
of School
View Toward Football Field
From Boy’s Restroom
View of Rear Entrance of
School and Elementary Boy’s Restroom
The Old Merry-Go-Round, Volleyball Court and Swing Set (scanned from Vaiden
Dusting Erasers (scanned from Vaiden Annual) – Close-Up
“Indian Hill”
[In the preceding photo of
“Indian Hill,” there were several cedar trees along the bank behind where the
rear of the car is in the photo.
Between those trees was a “rut” that had been worn out of the bank
where we used to climb the bank to take our “prisoners” and hold them in
confinement until they were deemed suitable for release. Childhood does have its privileges.]
[Ed. Note:
Although all male Elementary Grade students referred to the Elementary
School Restroom as the “Little Boys’ Room” and the High School Boys’ Room as
“The Basement,” boys from any grade would raise their hand and ask “May I go
to the Basement?”]
Part of old Vaiden School used as Coach & Science
(Assistant Coaches and Assistant Teachers would livin the room on the upper right of this picture)
View of Western Side of
Auditorium and Elementary School Entrance
Another View of the Western
Auditorium Entrance
View of Side of School from
Newer Merry-Go-Round
View of Western Sides of
School from Newer Gym
Eastern Auditorium Entrance -- Outdoor
Water Fountain by High School (Eastern) Entrance
Auditorium Entrance From
Front # 1 -- Auditorium Entrance From
Front # 2
Auditorium Entrance From
Front # 3 – Western Auditorium Entrance
A Look Down Steps To
Bleachers by Band Hall (Concession Stand Would Have Been On Left
At Bottom Of Steps)
A Closer Look Down Steps To
The Bleachers as They Used
to Be
Another Look Where the
Bleachers Used to Be
Steps to the Bleachers
Band Hall Exterior
Entrance to Old A /V Room
Entrance to Old A /V Room #
Rear of Boys’ Restroom
(a.k.a. “The Basement”)
Where Buses Used to Tread
Home Economics / Agriculture
Building Exterior from Eastern Auditorium Entrance
Another View Of Home
Economics / Agriculture Building Exterior from Eastern Auditorium Entrance
Going to the Lunchroom
Looking Down on the
Home Economics / Agriculture
Building from “New” Cafeteria
“New” Cafeteria from Home
Economics / Agriculture Building
Photo of 1966 Freshman Class on old Boy’s Slide
A Better Picture of the
(These two slides were about 6 – 10 feet apart. The
one closest to the school was the boy’s slide. The slide west of this one was the girl’s
Bus Gas Pump at Rear of
School by Lunch Room
Old Merry-Go-Round (outside the
Auditorium doors)
Large Swing Set
“New” Merry-Go-Round (outside the 4th
& 5th Grade windows)

School Interior
Upper Western Hallway
[First Grade is on the Immediate
Left; Second Grade is on the left past the First Grade; stairs going down to
the lower level (by the 5th
Grade) are on the left past the Second Grade door; and a storage closet is on
the left past the stairs. Stairs going
down to the lower level hallway (by the back door, next to the little boys’
bathroom) are on the immediate right.
A Business/English classroom is the first classroom on the right and
the Third Grade is on the right at the end of the hallway.]
A Lamp Unto My Feet. . .
First Grade Classroom # 1
– First Grade Classroom # 2
First Grade Classroom # 3
- First Grade Classroom # 4
A Lot Of Class
Going to the Lunchroom
Teacher’s Pets
Stairs (Across from the
First Grade Door) Going Down to the Lower Level by the Back Entrance
Bottom of Stairs from First
Grade area (Girl’s Restroom door is also in picture)
Going Down Stairs across
from First Grade
Stairs Leading Downward past
Second Grade Door (on left of hallway (northwest end))
Second Grade – Second
Third Grade – Third
Grade – Third Grade – Third Grade
View of Lower Level Hallway
from stairwell landing after going downward past 2nd Grade door
[6th Grade would be
straight ahead; 5th
Grade would be first door on right after turning the corner]
Bottom of Stairs from
Second/Third Grade area (Door to lower level A/V room is sealed
Closet at end of hall on
left past Second Grade Doorway
Inside Closet at end of hall
on left past Second Grade doorway
English/Business ? Classroom
(across from First Grade)
English/Business ? Classroom
(across from First Grade)
First Grade Transom
“Electric” Paddle -- Feel
The Burn
“Electric” Paddle – Take
Your Licks

Upper Front Hallway
Eastern Auditorium Entrance
and Upper Hall Leading to First Grade (As Seen From Principal’s
Looking Eastward Down Hallway Toward
Principal’s Office (Western Auditorium Hallway Door is on Right)
Teacher’s Restrooms
(on left across from western auditorium entrance hall)
Doors to Teacher’s Restroom
(looking toward Principal’s Office)
Doors to Eastern Auditorium
Upper Hallway Switchboxes
(on wall overlooking top of boy’s restroom)
View of top of Boys’
Restrooms and Third Grade Window from Upper Hallway Window

Upper Eastern Hallway
Principal’s Office

Mr. Frank Prewitt – Principal Extraordinaire; Educator Incarnate
[Ed. Note: Mr. Prewitt’s “Electric Paddle” was reputed
to have holes drilled in it to allow air to pass through during the swing,
aiding in increased swing speed and allowing air to contact the posterior,
resulting in maximum burn and effectiveness.
His paddle also aided in future memory retention as to what to do to
avoid a recurrence of application.
However, the proper application of the “electric paddle” surely
resulted in may students’ uttering 4-letter
expletives long before they would have normally been used. These expletives most certainly would not have
been uttered aloud, for fear of reapplication or increased dosage, giving new
meaning to the phrase “STANDING at Attention.” Although students might have been able to
avoid the “electric paddle” during their days at Vaiden, they often were
exposed to paddling with the old Bolo paddles (the paddle-ball game sans
rubber band and rubber ball) or having their hands paddled with a ruler. Other forms of punishment included writing
certain phrases hundreds of times, standing in the corner, staying in at recess,
staying after school, standing outside the classroom, or standing in front of
the whole class for the entire period with one’s nose in a circle on the
blackboard that was always about 3” higher than
anything close to comfortable.]
Sad Day for V.H.S.
County Conservative
(Carrollton, MS)
– 04/20/1967 – P.1
Prewitt to Move to Picayune
School System
D. Prewitt, for 25 years superintendent and principal in the Vaiden school
system, has accepted a position in the Picayune city school system.
Smith, superintendent of Picayune schools, said Mr. Prewitt will assume his
new duties as principal of the Roseland
Park elementary school
there July 1 of this year.
are pleased and fortunate to obtain a person of Mr. Prewitt’s caliber and
experience in public school administration,” Smith said, “and we’re looking
forward to having him here.”
Prewitt began his career in education at the Ethel High School
as mathematics teacher and coach.
After three years there, he went to McAdams as superintendent, serving
there seven years, before moving to his present post at Vaiden.
received his B.A. degree in science and math at Miss
College, and his master’s degree in
education at Mississippi
Prewitt is married to the former Beatrice Bell and they have two children,
Wiley of Winona and Frank Jr., of Jackson.
[Ed. Note 1: Mr.
Prewitt’s middle initial “D” stood for Dudley.]
[Ed. Note 2: Mr.
Prewitt served as Assistant Superintendent with the Picayune School District
from Fall 1967 through Spring
The following scans
were taken from the Mississippi College
Tribesman (yearbook). Mr. Prewitt
attended Mississippi College in Clinton, MS from 1928-1931.
Freshman Photo – 1928 Attala Club – 1928
(Notice that the Tribesman
misspelled “Attala,” and assigned the wrong initials to Mr. Prewitt – It
should have been “F.D.” Prewitt)
Sophomore Photo – 1929 Attala Club – 1929
Junior Photo – 1930
Senior Photo – 1931 Senior Photo Closeup -- 1931
Mr. Prewitt
(11/18/1907 – 04/22/1983 – aged 75 years, 4 months and 4 days) and Mrs. Prewitt
(11/29/1910 – 02/28/2001 – aged 90 years, 2 months and 30 days) are buried at
Stonewall Cemetery at Ethel,
Time to Play (The
Recess Clock) – Rules to Live By
Eastern Auditorium Entrance
and Upper Hall Leading to First Grade (As Seen From Principal’s
Looking Eastward Down Hallway Toward
Principal’s Office (Western Auditorium Hallway Door is on Right)
Former Principal’s Office
(listed here as “Math Coordinator”)
Inside Former Principal’s
Office (the desk used to sit here)
Former Sick Room (door
in this picture goes into former Principal’s Office)
Another View of the Former
Sick Room (Notice the School Bell
on the Wall – This room is now the “Office”)
Still Another Former Sick
Room View (Note the “Office” Sign Over the Door)
Looking North (“Old” Gym Was Formerly Seen From Windows at
End of Hall)
[Stairs on left
lead to rear exit by high school restroom – Study Hall is on left at the end
of the hall – Principal’s Office is on Right]
Bottom of the Stairs in the
Above Picture (door on left goes into 7th Grade)
Looking Down the Stairs at
the North End of the Eastern Hallway
Stairs at North End of Hall
(downward to lower eastern hallway (by 8th
Stairwell Landing
(looking out toward “New” Lunchroom Trailer)
View of Football Field Area
from North Upper Hallway Window
View of Former Site of “Old”
Gym from North Upper Hallway Window
Storeroom to the Right of
Upper Hallway Window
View Southward Toward
Principal’s Office from Upper Hallway Window
Study Hall Photo 1
(Facing North)
Study Hall Photo 2
(Facing Principal’s Office)
Study Hall Photo 3
(These Windows Overlook Boys’ Restroom)
(Directly Across from Sick Room)
Ninth Grade Algebra
(across from 7th
and 8th
Grades) – Ninth Grade Algebra – High School Classroom
(across from Study Hall)
High School Classroom
(across from Study Hall) – Ninth/Tenth Grade English ? Classroom
(across from Study Hall)
More of Ninth/Tenth Grade
English ? Classroom – High School Classroom
(across from Study Hall)
High School Classroom (across from Study Hall)

Lower Eastern Hallway
[Stairs going Up to Upper
Hallway (not shown) are on the left, as is the door going down to the
Lunchroom. Eighth Grade Classroom is
on immediate right; Seventh Grade classroom is last door on the right before
this hall turns to the right. Door to
Mr. Alford’s Algebra Class (shown) is on the immediate left in this
picture. On the left at the end of
this hall is Charlie McBride’s 9th
Grade English Classroom. Turning right
at the end of this hallway will take you through the lower front hallway
toward the 4th,
and 6th
Grade classrooms.]
[This photo
looks back toward the gym, and is exactly the opposite of the preceding photo.]
Seventh Grade (Lower Hallway
Entrance Door)
Looking Back Out of 7th
Grade Classroom Toward Spot Where Above Photo
Was Taken
7th Grade Eastern
Wall Retention Bolts
7th Grade
Classroom (Northern Wall)
straight ahead goes into 8th
Grade. Doorway on right goes into
lower eastern hallway (across from Mr. Alford’s Algebra Classroom.]
Looking into 8th
Grade Classroom from 7th Grade
8th Grade
Classroom (Door to right is across from Door leading down to
8th Grade
Classroom (Looking Back at 7th Grade Adjoining Doorway)
Another 8th Grade
Classroom Photo (Door to right is across from Door leading down to
Seventh Grade English
- Seventh Grade English – Seventh Grade English

Lower Front Hallway
Hallway Looking Eastward
Toward High School Side
Hallway Looking Westward
Toward Elementary School Side
Looking Toward the High
School Side
[In this picture, you are
about to go through the lower front hallway toward the High School side of
the school. About 10
feet on the left from where this photo was taken are the
stairs going up to the upper western hallway (by the 1st Grade). The first door on the left is the southern
entrance to the Girls’ Restroom. The
second door on the left will take you outside the back of the school by the
Little Boys’ Restroom (the “Basement’).
After you go through the lower hallway, the first door on the
left will take you outside the back of the school by the High School Boys’
Restroom (also known as the “Basement”).
Then, the second door on the left will take you into the 7th Grade
classroom. Past that doorway will be
the stairs going upward to the upper eastern hallway (by the Principal’s
Office). The doorway on the left past
the stairs is to the western Janitor’s closet.]
Eastern End of Lower Hallway
[Immediate door (not shown)
on left from where this photo was taken, will take you outside by the High
School Boys’ Restroom. Next door on
left (also not shown) will take you into the 7th Grade classroom). Stairs go up to upper eastern hallway (by
Principal’s Office). Door (visible) on
left is lower eastern hallway Janitorial
closet. Door straight ahead goes into
Charlie McBride’s 9th
Grade English Classroom. Turning left
at the end of this hall will take you past Mr. Alford’s Algebra classroom (on
the right) and toward the stairs going down to the lunchroom.]

Lower Western Hallway
[From this view, stairs (not
shown) going up to upper western hallway (by 2nd Grade Door), and down to A/V area (doorway
is now sealed) are on the immediate right.
First door on the right is the 5th
Grade Classroom. Last door on right is
Grade classroom. First door on the
left is the 6th
Grade Classroom. Second Door on left
is the western entrance to the Girls’ Restroom. Last door on left is a Janitorial
closet. Turning left at the end of
this hallway will take you through the lower front hallway toward the High
School side.]
Fourth Grade – Fourth
Grade – Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade – Fifth
Grade – Fifth Grade - Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade – Sixth
Chalk One Up For Me
Door Going Down to A /V Room
(under 5th and 6th Grades)

Band Hall and “ New ” Gym
Office -- Blackboard
(Northeast Corner) -- Office and Southwest Corner
“New” Gym and Band Hall
-- New Gym, Band Hall and Weir Home (former Principal’s Home)
“New Gym” Basketball Court
Band Hall Front -- Band
Hall Side Toward Football Field
Interior -- Office
-- Storeroom

Home Economics and Agriculture Shop
Home Economics Department
Northern Side of Home
Economics Dept. – Home Economics Classroom from Rear
Home Economics Second
Classroom (From Front) – Home Economics Front Room
Home EC and Ag Shop from
Southwestern Corner – AG Shop From Southeastern
Home EC “Bedroom”
-- Agriculture Classroom From Front – Agriculture Classroom From
Future Farmer Awards
– Future Farmer Banner – Future Farmer Purposes
Future Farmers of America Charter
(Vaiden Chapter) – FFA Trophy – FFA Trophy (Closeup)
View of Agriculture Shop
From Classroom – Agriculture Shop Office
Agriculture Shop View # 2
– Agriculture Shop View # 3 – Agriculture Shop View # 4
Agriculture Shop Paint Room
Heavy Metal
Clean Sweep
All Geared Up

The “Original” Lunchroom
The Door to the Lunchroom
Down the Steps (Across from
the 8th Grade Classroom) – Further Down the Steps
Where the Lunchroom Used to
Be – Lunchroom Photo # 2
Lunchroom Photo # 3
– Lunchroom Photo # 4 -- Eastern Lunchroom Entrance
Eastern Lunchroom Entrance #
2 -- Eastern Lunchroom Entrance
from Newer Lunchrooms
Let’s Eat
Going Back to Class

The Auditorium
Exit Stage Left –
Side Auditorium Hall (Leaving Auditorium (Close to Principal’s
Eastern Side Auditorium Hall
Photo # 2 -- Eastern Side Auditorium Hall Photo # 3
Eastern Auditorium Entrance
and Upper Hall Leading to First Grade (As Seen From Principal’s
All The World’s A Stage
(Looking Westward) -- Encore – Encore # 2 -- Props
Stage Looking Eastward
– Seating # 1 – Light Sockets
Seating # 2 – Seating
# 3 -- Exit Stage Left #2 – Eastern Auditorium Hallway
(Close to Principal’s Office)
The Stage Photo # 1
– Western Auditorium Hallway (Close to 1st Grade)
Western Auditorium Hallway
(Entering Auditorium) – More Props – Back Wall of Stage
Seating # 4 – Seating
# 5 – Western Stage Entrance
Exit Stage Right
(Looking at Inside of Western Auditorium Side Entrance Door)
Still More Props
Looking Eastward Down Hallway Toward
Principal’s Office (Western Auditorium Hallway Door is on Right)
Under the Stage # 1
– Under the Stage # 2 – Under the Stage # 3
[The Access
Doors (Above) for Getting Under the Stage are in the Western Auditorium
Entrance Hallway]
It’s “Curtains” for the Curtains
Wide View Wide View # 2
After Some of the Seats Were Removed to Create a
“Study Hall”
The Collins Method Actors – Live at
V.H.S Auditorium – 12/08/2001
the Grinch Stole Christmas
The Night Before Christmas
! Curtain Call

The Room Under The Stairs
Room is known by me as the Old Audio/Visual Room. When I was in school at Vaiden, we watched
the moon landings on TV from that room.
Most of the time I went to Vaiden, it was either closed and locked up,
or used as junk storage, as it is now.
This room is directly across from the Lunchroom entrance/exit. The 5th
and 6th
Grades (and, maybe part of the 4th
Grade) sits directly above it.
Photo 1 – Photo 2 – Photo
Photo 4 – Photo 5 – Photo
6 – Photo 7

Class Photos
[Ed. Note:
Photos of every class were hung on the upper front hallway wall
between the First Grade and the Principal’s Office. When there was no more room in the upper
front hallway, pictures were then hung on the walls of the
entrance hallways going into the auditorium.
Upon the closing of the school in 1999, many of the class photos were given to the
President of his or her class. No
photos remain on the walls of the upper hallway. Very few class photos remain in the
auditorium entrance hallways.]
1970 – 1968
and 1972
[In October, 2001, these photos were in the
western entranceway to the auditorium]
[In October, 2001, this photo was on the wall
in the auditorium]
Assorted Photos
# 1 --
2 -- # 3 -- # 4
[In October, 2001, these photos were in the
eastern entranceway to the auditorium]
On December 8, 2001, there were very few class
pictures still hanging in the school.
They are for the years 1968,
1970, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981,
1984, 1985. 1988, and 1989.
Others have been “spirited away” to or by members of those classes.
1968’s Most Courteous
Deborah Williams
and Sammy Alexander
Bicycle Courtesy of Ronnie Collins
1969’s Cutest
Doris Corley and
Marvin Noah
Go-Kart Courtesy of Ronnie Collins
1969’s Freshman Officers
Spyder Bike (left) Courtesy of Ronnie Collins; Soyder Bike (middle) Courtesy of Dwight Welch; Bicycle
(right) Courtesy Unknown
1969’s Sophomore Officers
Honda Cub 50 (left) Courtesy of Ronnie Collins;
Honda 125 Scrambler Courtesy of Jack Fullilove

The “Basement”
High School Boys’ Restroom
“Little Boys’” Restroom
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4

Girls’ Restroom
Inside View

Undocumented Pictures
During the late 1960s and early 1970s, there were two trailers that were set up
behind the school (in the former school bus parking area). These were used for biology classes,
football strategy meetings, and other classes. These trailers are no longer there, thus no
pictures of them are available.

Assorted Awards
[For Many Years, Vaiden kept a trophy case that sat at
the entrance to the Records Room (where the cork board is in THIS
PHOTO) and well within view of the Principal’s Office. That trophy case and the trophy collection
in it has long since disappeared.]
Award 1 – Award
2 – Award 3 – Award 4 – Award
5 – Award 6
Award 7 – Award
8 – Award 9 – Award 10

I’ve Got You Covered !
Coca-Cola Book Covers
A&M Milk
A&M Ice Cream

The “New” Cafeteria
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7

Initiation 1969
Ed Note: A word about Freshman Initiation -- Have
you ever been to HELL ? That’s what
Freshman Initiation was. Every year,
when 8th Graders finally
graduated to the Freshman Class, the Seniors would pick and choose the
Freshman that would serve them for a day.
The poor Freshman would have to dress as the Senior required, and do
chores for them, such as carry their books, get them a Coke, etc. There really wasn’t a way out of it, except
to face even more humiliation for the rest of the year for refusing to do it,
than to grin and bear it for a day.
Below, you will see the results of poor Freshman in the year 1969, catering to the whims of
the Senior Children of Satan. In
all, it really was fun. Enjoy the
photos, because, I can guarantee you – that’s the last time you’ll see me
(second from the top in the right column) in a dress!
Click on the
portion of the picture above that you want to enlarge.

Student’s Stories/Papers
My Life by
Juanita Fisher, Vaiden High School Senior – Class of 1947

Parting Shot
School’s Out Forever
Well we got no choice All the girls and boys Makin’ all that noise 'Cause they found new toys Well we can't salute ya Can't find a flag If that don't suit ya That's a drag School's out for summer School's out forever School's been blown to pieces No more pencils No more books No more teacher's dirty looks Well we got no class And we got no principles (principals) And we got no innocence We can't even think of a word that rhymes School's out for summer School's out forever My school's been blown to pieces No more pencils No more books No more teacher's dirty looks Out for summer Out 'til fall We might not come back at all School's out forever School's out for summer School's out with fever School's out completely
