The Rosenthals


(Bits & Pieces as told to me in 2000-2001 by my mom, Juanita Collins Rhine.


In the 1930s, the Rosenthals were our neighbors across the street, in the house that Ralph Hogue later lived in (across the street from the Rush Weir house (later known as the F.D. Prewitt house)).


Mr. Leo (bachelor) and his sister, Miss Bettie Rosenthal had lived there for years.  Miss Bettie told me about Shongalo (community) and the Indians.


The Indians wanted to go to church.  They were gentle people and left lots of arrowheads and other signs in Shongalo.  The stage coach went through there (Shongalo).


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FROM: The Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, Mississippi); 20 Oct 1957, Sun., Page 9



The Rosenthals were good people.  Leo raised collie dogs.  Bettie kept her house.  She was a good friend of ours and told many things about the old days.  Mrs. Rosenthal (Lizzie) was 100 years old and blind, but had a good memory and told about the old days.  Miss Bettie showed us where the stagecoach went.


Leo Rosenthal’s garden was where Leo Tindall’s house was later located.



Ed. Note:  Below is a list of other Rosenthals buried in the Vaiden Cemetery


Benjamin L. Rosenthal (Father – 1827/1889) – Nannie E. Rosenthal (Benjamin’s First Wife – 1837/1870) – Elizabeth McCaskill Rosenthal (1835/1935 -- Benjamin’s Second Wife and mother of Bettie (1875 – 1957) and Leo (1873 – 1944)).


Additional Ed. Notes:


After listening to several stories of the stage coach route to Vaiden, I believe that the stage ran from Kosciusko or French Camp (Natchez Trace) to Vaiden, either from a route on or parallel to the present Highway 35, or by going westward to West Station, 10 miles south of Vaiden.  Another route from Kosciusko could have followed Peachahala Creek and crossed through Beatty (Beatty Switch), which is 6 miles south of Vaiden.  From Beatty, the stage would have come up the old Shongalo Road (County Road 27) and routed to Blackhawk from Shongalo.  Another route might have taken the stagecoach from Vaiden northward up Kennedy Road to County Road 22, then westward to Highway 35 to Carrollton via Gerenton or Middleton * OR * eastward from Kennedy road to County Road 24, then onward to Winona via the old Vaiden/Winona Road.


On 02/19/2002, at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, I found evidence to substantiate the above theory.  CLICK HERE to read the 02/25/1848 memorial from the Mississippi Legislature  to the United States Congress.


Emma “Miss Emmie” Burrows – Bettie’s niece and wife of V.M. “Jack” Burrows – was a close friend of the Collins and Hambrick family for many years, including this author.  No information has been found yet as to her burial location, but it is thought to be close to or in the city she lived; somewhere around Lakewood or Pasadena, California.


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