Vaiden, Mississippi


The Pictures


Where is Vaiden, Mississippi?


Ron Collins' Guestbook





Physicians, Dentists, Veterinarians, and Nurses of Vaiden and Vicinity


Physicians of Shongalo


Dr. W.H. Weir was the first physician in this village, He and his bride of a few months came here from Virginia in 1834. They were fine people and set a good example of high morals and culture. During the first year of residence, their son, Rob, was born, being one of the first white children known to be born in the neighborhood.

Dr. Nathaniel Wells, a well-educated young man from New Hampshire, was the next physician to settle here. He married Eliza Love Pleasants, daughter of Thomas and Mary Pleasants. Mrs. Wells died about two years later, after the birth of their baby daughter. A few years after her death, Dr. Wells married Mary Smith. Her father, Douglas Smith, lived on the Hudson Place, southeast of Shongalo at that time.

Dr. Newton was the next physician to locate at Shongalo. He married the oldest daughter of Thomas Ely.

Dr. William H. Armistead was born August 5, 1820. He began his practice in 1840. He married Mary Wilson, youngest child of Thomas Wilson. Dr. Armistead's home was located near the present site of Vaiden and was later included in the corporate limits. To the Armistead's delight, their home was the favorite gathering place for the young people of the community. Dr. Armistead died November 30, 1878.

Dr. Edwin Armistead joined the Shongalo Presbyterian Church in 1855. This is the only information available on this doctor.

Dr. James A. McBride, after serving in the Civil War, studied medicine and had a successful practice in the Shongalo area for many years. He married Minnie Hamilton. They had three daughters and one son.


Physicians of Middleton


Dr. Harper Howell Hudgins came here from Virginia. He taught for a while and then studied medicine. He married a Miss Eskridge of Duck Hill. He settled in the county north of Middleton around 1858.


Physicians of Coila


Dr. E.R. McLean made his home near Coila. During the days of the stage coach, he served as innkeeper, merchant, and physician.

Dr. Joseph M. Keys had a very lucrative medical practice in the area. He married Mrs. William Farmer and they lived on her plantation near Coila.

Dr. George Everett moved to the vicinity of Vaiden about 1840. Since there were several doctors already established here, he moved to Coila to practice medicine. After about ten or twelve years, he moved back to his estate near Vaiden.


Physicians of Emory


Dr. R.D. Meek lived at Emory prior to 1861. He had an extensive medical practice in the county. After the Civil War, he settled on his plantation located between Black Hawk and Emory. He continued the active practice of medicine until his health failed, compelling him to give up his work. Dr. Meek was always affectionate toward his family, true to his friends, and faithful to his promises. He was a charitable man and a "king" to his neighbors.

Dr. Rogers, Dr. John A. Linder, Dr. James M. Thompson, Dr. W.C. Redd, and Dr. Alexander were also physicians who are remembered at Emory. Unfortunately, no information is available on these men.


Physicians of Black Hawk


Dr. William Glenn, a physician of long ago, was sincere in everything he undertook. During the Civil War, he enlisted in the first company made up of men from this county. He was full of hope and zealous in his love for the South. He became ill and died in Virginia in 1861.

Dr. Anthony, Dr. Hendon, Dr. Stevens, Dr. Chew, Dr. Terrell, Dr. V.O. King, Dr. B.F. Kittrell, Dr. Calhoun, Dr. Godfrey, and Dr. Elmon were also physicians of the Black Hawk area. No informationis available on these men.

Dr. Robert McEachern Hill, son of Henry W. Hill and Lillie McEachern Hill of Blackmonton, practiced medicine in a small community called Seven Pines, located near Black Hawk. Dr. Hill had three brothers and four sisters. One brother, Henry, died at an early age. One sister, Mrs. Lula Hill was a resident of Vaiden.


Physicians of Blackmonton


Dr. H.B. Conner, youngest son of Gabriel and Mary Farrish Conner, was a native of Slate Springs (Calhoun County), Mississippi. In 1878, he graduated from Vanderbilt Medical University in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1882, he was licensed to practice medicine in Mississippi. Dr. Conner was one of the first state county health officers in Carroll and Webster counties. Records show that his salary was $30.00 per annum. Dr. Conner married Harriet Retencie Shipp on February 22, 1880. They moved to the Blackmonton community in the early years of the doctor's career. His practice covered a wide area. Dr. and Mrs. Conner had four sons and two daughters.


Physicians of New Salem


Dr. W.H. McEachern was born December 17, 1838, a son of Daniel McEachern, who was one of the first settlers of this section. He was a graduate of Tulane Medical College and practiced here for nearly forty years. He died June 26, 1901. His son, W.H. McEachern, Jr., was also a doctor, born May 15, 1874, but died June 11, 1897 shortly after finishing medical school and before he began his practice.

Dr. Shipp Conner, (1882-1911), son of Dr. H.B. Conner and Mrs. Harriet Shipp Conner, was a native of Carroll County. He was educated in the Blackmonton Community School. At an early age, he began to study and to look forward to following his father in the medical profession. He attended Vanderbilt Medical University for one year. Then, the Medical Department was temporarily transferred to the Memphis Medical University, Memphis, Tennessee. In March, 1910, Dr. Conner graduated with Distinction in medicine and surgery from the Memphis Medical University, Memphis, Tennessee. He established a local practice in the New Salem community, expecting to relieve his father of such a vast territory practice, but died of spinal meningitis in October, 1911.


Physicians of Vaiden


Dr. Cowles Mead Vaiden was the first physician of Vaiden, and the Town's namesake. The account of his life here is contained in other articles throughout these pages.

Dr. Joseph Andress Applewhite (1824-1893), was born in Marion County, Mississippi. He married Sarah Frances Watson. Dr. and Mrs. Applewhite had three sons and one daughter. Their three sons married three Anderson sisters. Dr. Applewhite settled in Coila. He practiced medicine there until he and his family moved to his father's home, which was located five miles east of Vaiden. He then practiced in Vaiden. He founded the Joe Applewhite Masonic Lodge No. 303, in Carroll County.

Dr. John R. Applewhite, a brother of Dr. Joseph A. Applewhite, was another physician in this area. Further information is not available.

Dr. Thomas W. Fullilove was born July 31, 1851, in Carroll County. He attended the University of Mississippi, Emory and Henry College in Emory, Virginia, the University of Virginia, and Bellevue Hospital Medical College in New York. He served on the staff of Charity Hospital in New York and returned to Carroll County in 1876, and built up a large medical practice in Vaiden. Dr. Fullilove married Annie Rivers Knott in 1879. They adopted a daughter, Annie Rivers.

Dr. A.J. Sanderson (1845-1902) practiced in Vaiden many years. He married Miss Harriston. They had five daughters and two sons.

Dr. R.L. Wilson joined the Shongalo Presbyterian Church in 1871. This is the only information available on this doctor.

Dr. Joseph C. Armstrong, from Poplar Creek, Mississippi, attended the University of Nashville and Vanderbilt University, graduating at age 21. He was licensed to practice medicine on April 6, 1893. In 1902, he contracted smallpox, and recovered. He moved from Vaiden to Water Valley, Mississippi.

Dr. Fritz Rehfeldt was born in Germany. He graduated from the University of Nashville at age 21. He was licensed to practice medicine on May 23, 1902. In the early 1900s, he practiced with Dr. Charles McEachern in Vaiden.

Dr. Charles Gresham McEachern, (1876-1935), son of Angus Taylor McEachern and Guerring Pickett Shipp, was born in Carroll County. He was a graduate of the University of Nashville and Vanderbilt University. He interned in Vienna. He married Laura Dona Griffin on October 26, 1905 and practiced medicine in Vaiden, Moss Point, and Biloxi, Mississippi, and Denver, Colorado. He was a Colonel in World War I. Dr. and Mrs. McEachern had two children, Wyatt Griffin McEachern and Charles Malcolm McEachern, D.D.S.

Dr. Peter Fletcher Fitzgerald, a practicing physician in Vaiden, offered his services to the people of Grenada during a Yellow Fever epidemic. He contracted the disease and died October 13, 1875.

Dr. John Woodson Barksdale, son of Charles Henry Barksdale and Emily St. Albans Woodson Barksdale, was born in Vaiden on November 20, 1876. When he was six months old, the family moved to his parents' home state of Virginia. He was educated there, then entered the Birimingham Branch of the University of Alabama to study medicine. IN 1899, he graduated as First Honor Man of his class. He began his career in Vaiden at the encouragement of his aunt, who lived here. On April 18, 1900, Dr. Barksdale married Emily Mead Hawkins in Vaiden's St. Clements Episcopal Church. They has seven children: Elizabeth Vaiden, Emily Woodson, Charolette Milstead, Therese Hawkins, John Woodson, Henry Edward, and Battle Malone. IN 1905-1906, Dr. Barksdale was instructor of surgery at Memphis Medical College. IN 1910, he helped found the first hospital in North Mississippi, the Winona Infirmary.

During World War I, he served as Lt. Colonel, Senior Surgeon of Hospital Center, Rimaucourt, France, and Commanding Officer of Base Hospital No. 58. After the war, he located at Greenwood, then moved to Jackson as Chief-of-Staff of the Jackson Infirmary, now St. Dominic's Hospital. He was visiting surgeon for the Mississippi State Charity Hospital and the Mississippi State Hospital for the Tubercular, and division surgeon for the Illinois Central Railroad. He was a director of the Mississippi Fire Insurance Company and the Plaza Investment Company.

Some of the professional and social organizations in which Dr. Barksdale played a prominent part are: Carroll County Medical Society, President; Mississippi State Medical Society, President; Tri-State Medical Society, President; Fellows of the American College of Surgeons, Governor; International College of Surgeons, Charter Member; The Founders Group, Member; American Board of Surgery, Member; Southern Surgical Society, Member; American Medical Association, Member; West Tennessee Medical and Surgical Society, Honorary Member; Mississippi Reserve Officers' Association, Colonel and President; Jackson Country Club, President; University Club, President; Mississippi Chapter of the Newcomen Society of England, Organizer and First Chairman by Invitation; 1929 Jackson Junior League Carnival Ball, King, Tennessee Club of Memphis, Member.

Dr. Barksdale was an Episcopalian, a Mason, a Democrat, and a Rotarian. He continued to study, and kept abreast of the growing body of medical knowledge. He was frequently asked to deliver orations in surgery before various learned medical gatherings. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, and trap shooting, and was an excellent Bridge player. Dr. Barksdale retired in the early 1950s, and died May 9, 1953.

Dr. James Oscar Ringold was born and reared in Gore Springs (Grenada County), Mississippi. At age 25, he received his M.D. Degree from the University, Sewanee, Tennessee. He married Alma Dorris from Montgomery County. They had four sons. One son, Rupert, an attorney, lives in Winona. Dr. Ringold practiced in Vaiden from 1898 to 1919, at which time he moved to Winona where he practiced until his death in 1934.

Dr. Cassius Dent Alexander, son of Joseph T. and Harriette Belle Alexander, was born February 8, 1987. He grew up in West, Mississippi. He was educated at Memphis Hospital Medical College and, at age 26, was licensed to practice, May 11, 1900. He had three brothers: Charles Burrus, Ulric, and Dr. Joseph T. Alexander, Jr., a dentist; and three sisters: Annie, Beall, and Katherine Elizabeth. He married Pearl Bradford. They had two daughters: Ruth Dent, and Elizabeth, and a foster daughter, Eugenia Bradford.

During World War I, Dr. Smythe, a Memphis surgeon, issued a call for doctors and nurses and Dr. Alexander responded. He held the rank of Lieutenant. Upon returning to Vaiden, he resumed his practice here. Dr. Alexander died October 17, 1947, and is buried in the Vaiden Cemetery.

Dr. James P.T. Stephens, son of Captain Pyrrhus T. and Elmira Stephens, was born October 10, 1876, in Attala County, Mississippi. He was educated in the Kosciusko Public Schools, Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, and Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana. He began his practice at Zilpha (Attala County) around 1900, and later practiced in Kosciusko. On June 22, 1904, he married Ethel Amanda Strahan. They moved to Vaiden i 1912, where he practiced until his death in 1933. They had five children: Etelka, Lurlene, James Norvell, Sybil, and Beverly. They also reares a foster daughter, Qugette Snodgrass.

Dr. Stephens was a member of the Vaiden Methodist Church; a member and Past Master of Dewitt Clinton Lodge No 47 F&A.M. of Vaiden; a Charter Member and First Worthy Patron of Virginia Kennedy Chapter No. 271 OES, serving as Worthy Patron for five years. He was Chief Surgeon for the Illinois Central Railroad and County Health Department of Carroll County. He was an active member of the Parents-Teacher Association and was instrumental in organizing the "Old Fiddlers' Contest." He was active in community theater activities. Assisted by the merchants of Vaiden, he organized a "Merchants' Trade Day."

He owned the first car and the first radio in this area, and enjoyed novelty musical instruments and was adept at playing a musical saw with a violin bow and musical cowbells. He once travelled to Shreveport, Louisiana, to play on the radio station KWKH. During the 1915 "flu" epidemic, he formulated a prescription for a medicine which was very successful in treating influenza. It was known as "Dr. Stephens' Flu Remedy," and was bottled at B.W. Holmes,' the Pharmacist and owner of the City Drug Store. Dr. Stephens was fatally injured in an automobile accident on April 29, 1933, and is buried in Vaiden Cemetery.

Dr. D.J. Murphy, son of W.A. and Rosa Strahan Murphy, was born August 16, 1881. He received his degree in civil engineering from the University of Mississippi, graduating with honors. He studied medicine at the University of Tennessee and interned at Baptist Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. He practiced medicine in the vicinities of West, Vaiden, and Kilmichael. His wife was Sallie Williams. They had two sons, Ben and Alexander. His second wife was Ida Harvey. They had four children: a son who died at an early age, and three daughters, Jewel, Frances, and Annie Laurie.

Dr. Murphy was a Mason and a member of Shongalo Presbyterian Church. Shortly before his death, he was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from President Franklin Roosevelt for grateful recognition of uncompensated service patriotically rendered to his country in the administration of the Selective Service System of World War II. Dr. Murphy died November 30, 1944, and is buried in the Vaiden Cemetery.

Dr. Marvin E. Arrington, son of William O. and Ida Smith Arrington, was born in Brookhaven, Mississippi, December 3, 1905. He had three sisters: Mrs. Dudley Stringer, Mrs. K.C. Moon, and Mrs. Edith Rhyne. He grew up and finished high school in Brookhaven. He received his medical degree at Tulane University, New Orleans, and interned at Newell and Newell in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

He came to Vaiden to practice in 1933. He was a Methodist, a Mason, and a member of the Eastern Star. He served as county health officer for several years. He was a fine doctor and a useful citizen. Dr. Arrington was fatally injured in an automobile accident August 8, 1945.

Dr. Van R. Burnham, Jr. was born in Marks, Mississippi, on February 2, 1920. IN 1923, the family moved to Ruleville where he grew up and graduated from High School. He attended Sunflower Jr. College in 1939-1941. He attended the University of Mississippi from 1939 to 1942, then transferred to Northwestern University Medical School where he received his M.D. Degree. He interned at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1943-1944 and did his residency there in 1944-1945. During World War II, he was in the U.S. Navy Reserve as a Lieutenant (J.G.) M.C. from 1945 to 1946. He served in the Pacific.

Dr. Burnham practiced medicine in Vaiden from September 1, 1946 until July 24, 1948. On July 28, 1948, he married Barbara Braswell of Vaiden. They settled in Clarksdale, Mississippi, where he still practices. They have three children.

Dr. Herbert Raymond Power, son of Charles O. and Cornelia Maddox Power, was Vaiden's doctor for many years. He was born in Weir (Choctaw County), Mississippi, on January 16, 1919. He had two brothers, William Charles and Bernice O'Conner, both deceased, and four sisters, Mrs. Jane P. Douglas, Miss Minnie Power, Mrs. Natalie P. Beckman, and Mrs. Jo P. Humphrey.

After graduating from Weir High School as Salutorian, Dr. Power attended Paris Texas Jr. College for two years. He received his B.S. Degree in Mathematics and Science from Mississippi State University in 1940. He attended the University of Mississippi Medical School for two years. He received his M.D. Degree from the University of Tennessee, Memphis, in March, 1950. He was a member of Phi Chi Medical Fraternity. He completed his internship at John Gaston Hospital, Memphis, in April, 1951, Moved to Vaiden on May 1, 1951, and practiced here through the 1970s at the Vaiden Health Clinic.

On December 21, 1940, Dr. Power married Erin Fox of Choctaw County and Louisville, Mississippi. They have two daughters, Biddy (Mrs. A.D. Williamson) and Rhea, and two granddaughters, Lynn and Rhea Williamson. He was a member of the American Medical Association, and the North Central District Medical Society, where he served terms as President, Secretary, and Treasurer. He was a member of Shongalo Presbyterian Church where he served as Chairman of the Board of Deacons and as Sunday School teacher. He was an Elder and Treasurer of the church, and a Mason and member of the Lions' Club, where he served as President from 1955-1957.

He taught high school mathematics and science at Barnes High School (Leake County Mississippi), West High School, Weir High School, and Ackerman High School. During World War II, he spent 43 months in service, with 13 months on duty in Europe where he received the Bronze Star. He was discharged as First Lieutenant. He was awarded Certificates of Appreciation from several U.S. Presidents for grateful recognition of uncompensated services patriotically rendered to his country in the administration of the Selective Service System. He was selected for "Who's Who in the South and Southwest" in 1963-1964 and "Who's Who in Mississippi" in 1974.

When Dr. Power first began his medical practice, he did home deliveries. At times, he had to be taken to the homes on tractors or in trucks, and sometimes had to stay all night. To avoid such long absences from his office, he began doing all deliveries in the clinic. Because of the growth of the patient load and the increase in paperwork required by Medicare and Medicaid, insurance forms, etc., he stopped doing deliveries in early 1969. Prior to that time, he delivered approximately 860 babies, including the delivery of this writer. He still made house calls for many years, and was highly visible in town by his car, his trusty Volkswagen Beetle.

When he found time, Dr. Power enjoyed many hobbies, such as playing bridge and other games, working crossword puzzles, reading, crafts, fishing, and playing the organ and piano. He was not only Vaiden's Doctor; he was a beloved citizen who was always willing to assist anyone who needed his help. At the time of the publication of the Vaiden Heritage in 1976, Dr. Power was still practicing in Vaiden, but is since deceased. Many citizens of Vaiden and the surrounding communities miss him and remember his generous and friendly attitude to everyone he knew. He was a man of character, style, and grace, a fine doctor, and above all, he was a part of the lives of many people. Never let it be said that this writer wasn't one of those whose life was touched by this exemplary doctor, citizen, and friend.

When Dr. Power retired because for health reasons, Vaiden lost a valuable member of its community. Today, the Vaiden Clinic (Vaiden Health Center) is dedicated to his memory.


Vaiden Health Clinic Pictures


West Side -- Reopening


Divider Glass -- Building Plaque


Mallory Health Care



Vaiden Community Living Center




Dr. Joe Alexander, son of Captain Joseph T. Alexander of West, practiced in Vaiden. No other information is available.

Dr. S.H. Guess was a dentist about 1902. He married Alica Cain of Vaiden. No other information is available.

Dr. Claude A. Moore, 1882-1941, practiced in Vaiden about 1905. He married Miss Willie Lou Cain of Vaiden. He was a graduate of the Louisville, Kentucky, College of Dentistry, class of 1904. He spent his life promoting better dentistry in Mississippi. He was President of the Mississippi Dental Association and President of the Claude A. Moore Study Club. He appeared as clinician on the programs of the National Dental Association, the Chicago Mid-Winter Clinics, and visited Canada as clinician. Dr. Moore moved to Lexington from Vaiden and lived there until his death.

Dr. Pleasant Thomas Flowers, son of John Erasmus and Sallie Knox Flowers, was born in Montgomery County, Mississippi, March 23, 1878. On November 3, 1910, he married Lula Doty Armstrong, also a native of Montgomery County. They had one daughter, Kathleen.

After attending Dental College of Atlanta, Georgia and the University of Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Flowers moved to Vaiden and began his practice. He continued to practice here until he was forced to retire when diabetes caused the loss of his eyesight. During the many years he practiced here, he was the only dentist in the area. He made frequent trips to the Methodist Orphans Home in Jackson, where he donated his services.

Dr. Flowers' hobbies were the breeding of purebred bird dogs and small-scale farming. He was influential in bringing the first Holstein cows to the county.

After the loss of his sight, Dr. Flowers continued to live here for ten years, maintaining an active interest in civic and church affairs. He was a Mason, an Odd Fellow, a member of the Methodist Church, and the State Dental Association. Having spent his life working for the betterment of his community, Dr. Flowers died December 18, 1943. He was a man of honor and integrity.




Dr. Milam O'Neal Huffman, only son of Louis and Alice Tyler Huffman, was born September 24, 1879. In January, 1900, he married Clara Williams. They had three daughters: Muzette Huffman Byrd, Katie Huffman Crook, and Susie Huffman Tucker.

Dr.Huffman began practicing veterinary medicine in 1910, receiving his state license after a study course at home. His practice covered a wide area. His library was filled with books which he studied constantly. He was a Mason and a member of the Methodist Church and the Order of the Eastern Star. He served as Town Marshall for approximately 35 years. He was a talented violinist and owned and played a Stradivarius which previously belonged to his father. In addition, he served as Tax Collector for the Town of Vaiden.  Dr. Huffman died November 24, 1940.



Medical Professionals From Vaiden That Practiced Elsewhere


Many men in the medical profession came from the Vaiden area, but never practiced here. Some of these are the following:

Dr. Larkin S. Rogers, son of Richard Thomas and Eleanor Cain Rogers, was born in Carroll County near Vaiden in 1859. At age 19, he entered the University of Mississippi, at Oxford and studied there for two years. He continued to study under Dr. Ben F. Kittrell at Black Hawk, took medical courses, and graduated from the medical department of Tulane University on April 1, 1885. He began his practice April 15, 1885, at West, Mississippi. From 1914 to 1918, he was superintendent of the State Charity Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. Dr. Rogers died in 1920.

Dr. Richard Cornelius Bains received his M.D. Degree from Birmingham Medical College at age 34, and was licensed to practice May 19, 1898. No other informationis available.

Dr. Charles Ernest Wright, eldest son of James M. and Narcissa Rogers Wright, was born near Vaiden on September 18, 1871. After some medical home study, he attended medical school at Rome, Georgia. He practiced medicine in Memphis and Arkansas for over 35 years. He had four brothers: Edwin, Will, Sam, and Jack, and six sisters: Zula, Annie Dora, Mattie, Myrtle, Eleanor, and Lovie. Dr. Wright died in 1933 and is buried in Vaiden Cemetery.

Dr. W.W. Nye was born in Vaiden. No other information is available.

Dr. Clifford Vaiden McConnico.  No other information is available.

Dr. Malcolm A. McEachern.  No other information is available.

Dr. Harrison P. Simpson from Blackmonton, graduated at age 24 and was licensed May 17, 1904. He finished at Sewanee Medical School in three years by studying at home during vacation and taking exams later. He interned at St. Joseph's Hospital in Memphis.

Dr. R.S. Simpson, brother of Dr. H.P. Simpson, went to dental college at Louisville, Kentucky. Both brothers settled in Ruleville, Mississippi, to practice. An interesting note is that the two Drs. Simpson, Dr. J.C. Conger, Dr. Robert Hill, and Dr. Shipp Conner were boyhood friends in the Blackmonton community. They attended a one-room--one-teacher school, but the shortage of teachers was more than compensated for in the person of their teacher, Miss Willie Kennedy, who was "dedicated to the interest of the pupils and was an inspiration, holding a higher plane of living before them."

Dr. Otis Preston Gaston received his degree from the University of Nashville and College of Physicians and Surgeons at age 25, and was licensed October 18, 1907.

Dr. Joseph Clyde Conger of Blackmonton, son of Lucius L. Conger, received his M.D. Degree from the University of Nashville at age 23, and was licensed to practice May 22, 1909. He had four brothers: Will, Tommy, Hal, and Ben, and four sisters: Susie, Annie Lee, Alice May, and Goldie.

Dr. Dennis McDougal was from Blackmonton, but practiced in Halls, Tennessee. He had four brothers and two sisters: B.C. McDougal, Ora M. Hatcher, and Irene M. Jones (all three now deceased) that lived in or near Vaiden. Dr. McDougal married Velma Meadows. They had no children.

Dr. Jessie Jonathan Armstrong, son of John J. and Freddie Gross Armstrong, received his M.D. Degree from Tulane School of Medicine at age 27, and was licensed July 14m 1921. He had two brothers: Fred and Rodney (deceased), and four sisters: Magdalene, Annie, Bertha, and Eunice. Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong had one son and one daughter. He practiced and resided in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Dr. James Harris Armstrong, only child of the late Cade L. and Lorene Colmery Armstrong. He attended the University of Mississippi Medical School for two years and received his M.D. Degree from Tulane Medical School. He married Margaret Keyes of Oxford and they have two children.

Dr. John Allen Randle, son of Ernest G. and Alice Pullen Randle, graduated from Vaiden High School in 1932, then studied veterinary medicine at Iowa State College in Ames, Iowa. He has one sister: Earnestine, and five brothers: Robert, Charles, Grider, Frank, and Dale. He practices at West Point.

Dr. Percy A. Bennett, Jr., D.D.S., son of Percy A. and Maggie Louise Cade Bennett, graduated from Vaiden High School and received his D.D.S. degree from the University of Tennessee. He had one sister who is deceased. He married Dorothy Hannah and they have a son and daughter, He practiced in Memphis, Tennessee.

Dr. William Ward Canon, son of Jesse and Marilla Vail Canon, graduated from Vaiden High School. He has one brother, Jesse Jr.  Dr. Canon graduated from Auburn University, Alabama, with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and was licensed June 15, 1954. He has one daughter. Dr. Canon practices in Columbus, Mississippi, and has been elected to the Legislative Post in Lowndes County, Mississippi.

Dr. Joe Flint Armstrong practiced in Jackson for many years. No further information is available.


Registered Nurses


Mrs. Myrtle Archer: Head of all nurses A.R.F., World War I, stationed at Chaumont, France; Superintendent of Nurses, Baptist Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, for 40 years. (deceased)

Miss Georgia Holmes: Superintendent of Nurses, Methodist Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, for 25 years and Methodist Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, for 15 years. (deceased)

Mrs. Carrie Herring (B.J.) Ramage: Superintendent of Nurses, Natchez Infirmary, Winona Infirmary, Brewer Hospital, Columbus, and Charity Hospital, Jackson. (deceased)

Miss Nina Nye: Private duty for 20 years. (deceased)

Mrs. Minnie Esther Armstrong (Will) Gee: Private Nurse for two years, Jackson Community Hospital for four years. Private duty in Indianola, Mississippi, and California for 25 years. (deceased)

Mrs. Elizabeth Girner (J.F.) Herring: Superintendent of Nurses, Winona Infirmary for three years. Private duty for 40 years. (deceased)

Mrs. Urlene Baskin (E.C.) Humphreys and Mrs. Mamie Baskin (E.C.) Baskin: Sisters, graduated from Helena, Arkansas, hospital. Mrs. E.C. Baskin did private duty for 40 years. Mrs. Humphreys is deceased.

Miss Myrtle (Patsy) Devine: Daughter of Jim A. and Sudie Girner Devine of Midway Community. Received her training at Winona Infirmary. Operating Room Supervisor, Muskogee, Oklahoma, for approximately 9 years. (deceased)

Mrs. Mary McEachern Haddakin Morgan: Daughter of Dan and Julia Ross McEachern of Midway Community. Graduated from Grenada Nursing School. Head Nurse in the Pediatric section of John Gaston Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

Mrs. Betty McCorkle (Harold) Rixie: Daughter of C. Marion and Luna Dell Ferguson McCorkle of Vaiden, received her degree from Methodist Hospital School of Nursing, Memphis, Tennessee. Trained as a surgical nurse in Big Springs, Texas. Worked in Greenville, Kentucky and Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Mrs. Betty Cummins (Ronald) Clark, daughter of Joe and Joyce Mae Vinson Cummins of Vaiden, received her degree from Touro Nursing School, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Mrs. Louise Shelton (Donald) Morris, daughter of Roger Shelton (deceased) and Gladys Wiltshire Shelton Cox of Vaiden, received her degree from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Lives in Jackson, MS.

Sue Noah (Roger) Gratz, daughter of Robert and Dolly Mann Noah of Vaiden. Received her degree from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Lives in New Orleans.

Charlene Guess Wiley (James) Elmore, daughter of W.H. and Ouida White Guess, received her degree from the University of Tennessee in Memphis. Now lives in Princeton, New Jersey.

Mrs. Ann Ross (Herman) Wardlow, daughter of J.K. Ross (deceased) and Evelyn Jones Ross of Vaiden, received her degree from the University of Tennessee. Taught in the nursing school at Northeast Jr. College, Booneville, Mississippi, and at St. Dominic's Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. Now lives in Ft. Worth, Texas.

Ginger Hambrick (Frank) Ferguson, daughter of Oglan B. and Sara Grantham Hambrick of Vaiden, received her degree from St. Dominic's Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. Attended the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mississippi for her B.S. Degree.

Dana Rogers (Carl) Grubbs, daughter of Jamie and Grace Grantham Rogers of Vaiden, received her degree from St. Dominic's Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. Now lives in Webb, Mississippi.

Kay Palmertree (Dempsey) Rutledge, daughter of Coleman Palmertree of Winona, and Ella Ouida McCorkle Palmertree (deceased), received her degree from Delta Jr. College, Moorehead, Mississippi, Holmes Jr, College in Goodman, Mississippi, and the University of Mississippi School of Nursing. Now lives in Louise, Mississippi.

Judy Randle (Dale) Autrey, daughter of W.L. Randle (deceased) and Blanche Bailey Randle of Vaiden, received her B.S. and R.N. Degrees from University Hospital, Jackson, Mississippi, and resides in Jackson, Mississippi.

Laura Jean Collins (Steven) Drazda, daughter of Guy H., Jr., and Barbara Cummins Collins of Moorehead, was born in Vaiden. She received her degree from the Methodist Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Now lives in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Mrs. Caron Busby (O.G.) Smith, daughter of Joseph B. and Mary Ann Tullos Busby (both deceased), is not a native of Vaiden, but has lived here for many years. She received her degree from St. Francis Hospital in Monroe, Louisiana and was employed at the Winona Hospital. Lived in Vaiden.

Mrs. Gladys Devine (Fletcher) Shappley: Another daughter of Jim A. and Sudie Girner Devine. Received her training at Winona Infirmary. Hospital and private duty for approximately 20 years. Now retired and lives in Winona.

Mrs. Margaret Michie (A.D.) Hartley, daughter of George and Allie Boyette Michie, received her degree from Baptist Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. Now lives in Columbus, Mississippi.


. . .To Be Continued. . .


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Site Design and Compilation Copyright © by Ron Collins. 2007.