Description: Description: Vaiden, Mississippi


The Pictures


Where is Vaiden, Mississippi?


Description: Description: Ron Collins' Guestbook


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Officials and Dignitaries


Vaiden's Officials


City Hall (previously, the old 1890 Vaiden Bank)


The current Vaiden City Hall (as of 01/01/2016) is located in the building that was previously used as the 1890-1970?) Vaiden Bank.  The bank in this old building was created on 07/16/1890 and listed D.W. Bacon,  Frank  Hawkins, Jr., and J.C. Purnell as its Incorporators. It continued until it moved into the location of the building previously known as the new Summers’ Grocery building – about 40 yards behind the bank (and to the south). The new Summers’ Grocery building was built before 1968. The building that was previously known as Summers’ Grocery, sat in the same location as the newer building. The old building – along with the pool hall and another building that was used for storage – was destroyed in a fire on back street in the mid-1960s.  After the fire, Mr. L.B. Summers built the new store, but it was operated in this location for only a short time. Mr. Summers died on February 22, 1968.

The Vaiden Gristmill also sat behind – and slightly to the west of - the old Vaiden Bank.  It was torn down around the time (give or take a year or two) of the backstreet fire.

In 1860, the Charter of the Town of Vaiden was adopted; the highlights as follows: The Mayor, four Selectmen, one Assessor and Collector of Taxes and a Treasurer, shall hold office for one year; then subsequent elections shall be on the first Monday in February. The qualifications for electors for the offices shall be the same as how provided for by law, namely; to entitle elector to vote for members of the legislature with elections under inspection of Justice of Peace and two Freeholders, who shall certify the results to Secretary of State; whereon the elected Mayor shall be commissioned by Governor as Mayor of said Town. Elected officers meet as soon as practicable, take and subscribe oath required by Constitution; subsequent meetings regulated by laws of Corporation, which is authorized to ordain and establish. A majority of said Board shall constitute a quorum.

Powers of Mayor and Selectmen include: Sue and be sued; plead and be impleaded; purchase and hold real and personal estate, not exceeding $30,000; power to raise necessary sums of money for town by taxes levied on real and personal estate; power to establish and regulate patrols within corporate limits; open and repair necessary streets; order owner or agents to make necessary improvements and repairs on streets in front of lots or houses; power to prohibit sale of vinious and spirituous liquors, except for medical needs. In absence of named officer, Mayor has the power to be Justice of Peace.

Vacancies occurring by death or resignation or removal shall be filled by Board until time of regular elections.

Treasurer of said Corporation, Assessor and Collector, shall enter into bond, payable to Mayor, and Selectmen, in such amounts as prescribed by said Board.

City Hall Exterior -- April 2001


City Hall Interior -- April 2001 -- Money Turntables from Old Bank


City Hall Interior -- April 2001 -- Money Turntables from Old Bank


Ed. Note: When the Vaiden Bank (1890) was in this location, there was a heavy, thickly-knit wire mesh (bulletproof -- possibly 2 to 4 gauge) "fence" about 4 feet tall, on the top of the teller window frames. This fence was topped with a row of very sharp spikes extending to within 8" to 12" from the ceiling. These spikes prevented anyone from climbing over during a robbery. The wire mesh fence and spikes have disappeared since the old Vaiden Bank became the City Hall in the 1970s. The gun portholes are still beside the teller window. These were used in the old days by tellers who decided to shoot back during a robbery.

Photos of the Gun Ports and Turntables


Photo 1 -- Photo 2 -- Photo 3 -- Photo 4


Photo 5 -- Photo 6 -- Photo 7 -- Photo 8


Photo 9 -- Photo 10 -- Photo 11 -- Photo 12





Stephen R. Sproles -- circa 1867 -- CLICK HERE for more information; James Trotter – 1870 – James Larkin Cain – 1870, 1881; John E. McClurg -- 1885, 1934, 1936-38, 1946; John J. Armstrong -- 1893-1914; John Lee Seale -- 1915, 1930-32, 1948-50; J.C. Miley -- 1917-18; James William Conger -- 1919; J.M. Armstrong (middle initial could be N) -- 1920-21; X.A. Brock -- Short Term in 1930 to fill unexpired Term of Edwin Lee Conger; Charles Galloway Boyett -- 1932-34, 1936-38; Weldon Baskin, Jr. -- 1946-48, 1957-65; Henry Guy Collins -- 1950-53; Jessie W. Armstrong -- 1953-57; Benjamin Franklin Wiley, Sr. -- 1965-75; Daniel Claude Hatcher -  (Photo)  -- 1975-77.  RECENTLY DISCOVERED: James Thomas Buckley  - served several terms prior to moving to Winona in 1901 (exact dates n/a)

John Carrington Coleman

Tommy Thornton

George Willis Turbeville, Jr.

Mel Hawthorn – 2009 – present (see article)



J.P. Cain -- 1885, 1904-05; H.C. Blackmon -- 1893; J.W. Ward -- 1912-16; M.O. Huffman -- 1917-22, 1929-36; J.C. Allen, J.O. Miley, S.R. Wright -- 1922 Short Term; J.M. Summerville -- 1923; V.A. Gee -- 1925; W.A. Switzer -- 1935-42; A.J. Grantham -- 1942-48; Joe Smith -- 1948, 1961; A.B. Parker -- 1961-69.




R.R. Hawkins -- 1904; J.E. McClurg -- 1904, 1914-18, 1930-34; James Summerville -- 1904, 1912-17; John J. Armstrong -- 1904; C.L. Armstrong -- 1904; J.E. Phillips -- 1909, 1914-17; W.N. Gaston -- 1912-18; Dr. P.T. Flowers -- 1912-22; S.P. Armstrong -- 1912-25; C.H. Tillman -- 1921-25; John C. Calhoun -- 1921-25; D.E. Anderson -- 1918-19; J.C. Bennett -- 1919; A.J. Moore -- 1919; J.G. Fullilove -- 1920, 1940-46; B.W. Holmes -- 1929-30, 1940; R.L. Rosamond -- 1929; W.A. Avery -- 1929; J.H. Grantham -- 1930-34; P.A. Bennett -- 1934-46; D.D. Fullilove, Jr. -- 1934-46; L.H. Johnson -- 1934-40; Dr. M.E. Arrington -- 1940-46; J.M. Vandiver -- 1942-46; V.F. Anderson -- 1946-1977; H.B. Caldwell -- 1934-1946; Anderson Austin -- 1946-5?; L.H. Braswell -- 1946-53; N.B. Hambrick -- 1946-48; W.S. Ward -- 1948-50; Manuel B. (Buster) Grantham -- 1950-53; J.O. Cearley -- 1953-65; Taylor Everett -- 1953-57; Herman L. Johnson -- 1953-1977; T.A. Dulin -- 1953-57; T.A. Noah -- 1957-65; C.A. Austin -- 1961-69; Dennis Welch -- 1965-1977; J.W. Eades -- 1965-69; H.S. Milner -- 1965-77; Lethal Cross -- 1969-73; C.E. Huggins -- 1973-77


Early 1900 Aldermen were paid $1.00 monthly compared to the 1975 salary of $50.00 monthly.


Treasurers and City Clerks


S.E. McConnico -- 1885 Treasurer; A.J. McConnico -- 1904-05 Treasurer.


City Clerks


J.C. Calhoun; W.M. Armstrong; J.E. Phillips; Dr. P.T. Flowers; O.J. Moore; James Summerville; D.D. Fullilove, Jr.; L.H. Braswell; Lillie McDougal.


Contracts, Ordinances and Resolutions


For Pictures of Utilities, see the Vaiden Utilities Page

August 7, 1927 -- The Town of Vaiden contracted with Mississippi Power and Light Company to buy electricity operating thirty-seven street lights for residential and commercial lighting, covering a twenty-five year period.

May 10, 1929 -- The issuance of $26,000 in bonds to establish and construct a water works system, was authorized.

1938 -- A total of thirty-six mills was fixed and levied against all taxable property to provide the following funds: street, light, water bond, City and Separate School Districts, School Improvement, and General Fund.

1938 -- An ordinance was authorized under Mayor C.G. Boyette, to adopt as official, the map of the Town of Vaiden, which was made from an original 1885 Monroe McClurg map, with additions.

1939 -- A $3,000 bond was issued to repair and extend the present water works facility, and to add a filtration system. In 1957, a water softener was purchased.

1952 -- The Board voted for "Garbage Pick-Up" in the Town, approved streets graded and ditched under the Highway Dept. Supervision, voted to black-top a portion of the Town streets at a $25,000 expense, with the bond issue approved. Mr. W.M. Caddess was appointed as Water Superintendent to read meters, collect water bills, etc.

1953 -- Three fire alarm boxes were purchased, and used until 1973, when a three-way telephone system was installed.


1954 -- A "Volunteer Fire Department" and the purchase of a used Fire Truck for $300 was approved.


Push-Button Fire Alarm



1962 -- Mr. J.C. Patton, a Professional Engineer from Lexington, Mississippi, was hired as Construction Supervisor for a limited time. Much was accomplished during this period; $30,000 bond issue for street improvements, $12,000 bond for water supply improvements, a new 12" well and new pump were installed by Carlos Well Supply Company of Memphis, Tennessee, at a cost of $11,000.


1964 -- A lot on the corner of Lee and Magnolia Streets was purchased from B.W. Holmes for $500. A building to house the fire truck, City Hall, and a warehouse area was erected.


1965 -- Municipal boundaries of the Town of Vaiden were extended to include a total of 847 acres; another extension in 1969 totaled 1,157 acres; with a final extension in 1973, making a grand total of 1,343 acres included in the Corporate limits. This incorporated one mile of Interstate 55, north and south.


1965 -- Barth and Associated, Inc., of Jackson, Mississippi, were employed as Engineers for the Town of Vaiden.


1968 -- A contract was let to McDougal Plumbing & Heating Contractor at a $409,739 cost to extend the water and sewer lines, which was completed in 1970.


1970 -- The one-story brick building located on the southwest intersection of Lee and Mulberry Streets was purchased from Holmes County Bank & Trust Co., the Bank's former home, erected in 1890. As the present City Hall, including Mayor and Tax Collector's Offices, it is unique with its bullet-proof plate-glass partition and two gun ports in view, as well as the bulletproof mesh above the windows, topped with needle-like spikes. The exterior brick walls were subsequently renovated.


The Bank Ladies


1972 -- The Town contracted with the Shongalo Rural Water Association to furnish them Town water at a minimum rate of $220 monthly for the first 440,000 gallons; 40 per M average.


1972 -- The Town contracted with Herndon Well & Supply Company, Inc., at a cost of $24,800 for a new well , pumping 500 gallons a minute of pure water, without treatment, into the water tank and mains.


1974 -- Street Signs were installed in Vaiden.


1975 -- At a cost of $15,035.99, a new Garbage Truck, a 13 yard Standard Packmaster rear-end loader mounted on a 2 1/2 ton Chevrolet Truck, was purchased from Bob Ellis Chevrolet of Winona, and Hall Supply & Equipment Co., Inc., of Jackson, Mississippi.


In 1975, the water and sewer rates were: Minimum bill -- $3.50 for the first 3,000 gallons. Sewer rates were 1/2 of the water bill. In the same year, the tax rate was set at 24 mills, and the assessed value of the Town was $775,865.


1975 Officials and Employees


Officials: Claude Hatcher, Mayor; V.F. Anderson, Alderman; Herman L. Johnson, Alderman; Charles Huggins, Alderman; Henry S. Milner, Alderman; Dennis E. Welch, Alderman.


Employees: Mack L. Boykin, Attorney; Lillie McDougal, City Clerk; W.M. Caddess, Water Superintendent; I.B. Griffin, Street Superintendent; James M. Gerrish, Chief of Police; John W. (Jack) Fullilove, Policeman; Walter H. Browning, Policeman; Mrs. Alton Parker, Radio Operator. At this time, the Town owned three Police Cars, with Policeman on 24-hour duty.


Vaiden's New Police Chief -- October, 2001


Early Improvements


The Cumberland Telephone Company installed the first Telephone Exchange in Vaiden between 1898 and 1900. During this period, the employment roster listed many of Vaiden's prominent citizens, namely, Operators Misses Nye, Cain, Boyette, and Eleanor Wright. Miss Evelyn Eades was employed as Day Operator for twenty years, with two assistants. Other dependable employees were Messrs Charlie Boyette, Charlie King, and Craig and Ed Conger. Tom Clifford Vaiden had the distinction of being the Telephone Exchange's first messenger boy.


Order of Commerce


The only Order of Commerce in Vaiden was organized on March 18, 1922, by civic-minded Dr. P.T. Flowers, Dr,. C.D. Alexander, and Mr. Cade Armstrong. Responding to the call for community togetherness and unity for the Town's advancement, nearly 100 businessmen rapidly joined this prestigious organization. The Chamber of Commerce was very active in securing better roads for this section, and instrumental in inducing new industries to locate here. Unfortunately, this once-spirited Chamber no longer exists.




The year 1930 witnessed the first gravel highway through Vaiden, followed in 1936 with one of the best paved highways in America, which is known as Highway 51. Hugh White was Governor during this period. This nationally-recognized highway first extended from Chicago to Gulfport, later to New Orleans, and introduced tourism to Mississippi on a large scale.


Town Improvements – 1975


The 1975 Improvement Program for Vaiden included better housing; renovated vacant lots; adequate drainage; Control Program for livestock, animals, and poultry; Control Program for rubbish; approved refuse storage, collection, and disposal; effective insect and rodent control; approved sanitary sewage system; and an improved water supply.


Supervisors -- Beat 5


The first "Supervisors," actually the Carroll County Board of Police, met March 11, 1834, in the home of George W. Green. They were: Daniel W. McEachern, Thomas Matthews, Edmunds G. Whitehead, Woodward Applewhite, and John Rodgers. These men appointed local planters, businessmen, etc., as overseers to build the early roads of the country. There is no record of how long these men kept their office, not of who followed. The Mississippi Constitution of 1890 fixed the term for County Officials at four years. Prior to that time, the terms had been set at two years. Beginning in 1892, the following record exists for elected Supervisors: Rufe E. Hoge, 1892-1899 (two terms); Henry W. Hill, 1900-1903; W.D. Morgan, 1904-1907; G.N. Michie, 1908-1911; W.D. Morgan, 1912-1915; W.P. Stuckey, 1916-1919 (died while in office, succeeded by John R. Heggie); Charles G. Boyette, 1920-1927 (2 terms); James Somerville, 1928-1935 (2 terms); Marion Ely, 1936-1948 (3 terms); Weldon Baskin, Jr., 1948-1955 (2 terms); W.C. "Monkey" Welch, 1956-1971 (4 terms); Vernon "Buddy" Welch, 1972 -present.


Circuit Clerks


In 1874, Carroll County was divided into two districts. The Chancery Clerk keeps an office in the 1st District (Carrollton), while the Circuit Clerk keeps the 2nd District office in Vaiden. Each official serves as deputy to the other. Circuit Clerks are as follows: James P. Nabors, 1892-1911; John C. Allen, 1911-1919; Fred C. Smith, 1919-1940; Claude Hatcher, 1940-1955; G.W. Tuberville, Jr. (left in September, 1964, before his term expired to take over the County Welfare Office, where is is presently employed -- Mrs. Lynn P. (B.F.) Wiley, his deputy was appointed to serve until a special election could be held); Ralph Self, 1964; Charles Ellis, at present.


County Tax Assessors -- Vaiden Natives


W.C. "Lum" McDougal, first Tax Assessor; D.D. Fullilove, ???? (served part of a term).


County Sheriffs -- Vaiden Natives


John McKenzie; James Somerville, 1897-1900; W.C. "Lum" McDougal, 1904-1907 (killed while in office -- His accused slayer's public execution was the last "hanging" in Carroll County). Mr. McDougal (11/19/1867 - 10/26/1907) is buried at Evergreen Cemetery in Carrollton, MS, in Lot 106, with his wife Helen Brewer McDougal (1872-1948).


Deputy Sheriffs


Around 1914, a Gentleman's Agreement gave the 2nd District the right to elect the Deputy Sheriff to serve in Vaiden. Men who have served through the years are: Walter P. Kennedy, L.M. Jones, Samuel R. Wright, William W. Milner -- Mr. Milner left in February, 1935, to assume the office of Vaiden Postmaster and W.L. Randle served the remainder of his term, Louis McDougal, H.R. "Charger" Michie, R.W. "PeeWee" Miller.


Cotton Weighers


R.S. Allen; R.H. Dulin, 1912-1924; T.P. Whisnant. 1924-1931; B.C. McDougal, 1932-1944; Kim Pollard, 1944-1947; George Crook, 1948-1952; Dudley Stewart, 1952 - (after Mr. Stewart's term, the office was abandoned).


Constable and Justice of the Peace -- Beat 5


1892-1895 -- W.H. King (JP), J.C. Calhoun (JP), G.R. Traxler (Constable)

1896-1899 -- W.H. King (JP), W.C. Billingsley (JP). James Kidd (Constable)

1900-1903 -- J.L. Cain (JP), J.C. Calhoun (JP), J.L. Seale (Constable)

1904-1907 -- J.L. Cain (JP), G.N. Michie (JP), W.C. Thomas (Constable)

1908-1911 -- T.A. Brock (JP), G.N. Michie (JP), E.L. Conger (JP), W.C. Thomas (Constable), J.W. Word (Constable), H.A. Heggie (Constable)

1912-1915 -- R.B. Smith (JP), E.L. Conger (JP), W.M. Girner (Constable)

1916-1919 -- R.B. Smith (JP), B.C. McDougal (JP), W.M. Girner (Constable)

1920-1923 -- T.A. Brock (JP), W.M. Girner (Constable)

1924-1927 -- G.A. Grantham (JP), Jim Pollard (JP), D.R. Devine (Constable)

1928-1931 -- D.R. Devine (JP), James Pollard (JP), E.H. Armstrong (Constable)

1932-1935 -- D.R. Devine (JP), W.H. King (JP), H.R. Michie (Constable)

1936-1939 -- James Pollard (JP), A.J. Grantham (Constable)

1940-1943 -- E.H. Armstrong (JP), W.A. Switzer (Constable)

1944-1947 -- E.H. Armstrong (JP), A.J. Grantham (Constable)

1948-1951 -- Lloyd Welch (JP), A.J. Grantham (Constable)

1952-1955 -- E.H. Armstrong (JP), A.J. Grantham (Constable)

1956-1959 -- R.L. Rosamond (JP), Taylor Everette (Constable)

1960-1963 -- Homer Tucker (JP), Taylor Everette (Constable)

1964-1967 -- R.L. Rosamond (JP), Elton Williams (Constable)

1968-1971 -- J.H. Putman (JP), Ed Davis, Jr.(Constable)

1972-1975 -- Charles Ellis (JP), Ed Davis, Jr. (Constable)

1976- -- Charles Ellis (JP), Ed Davis, Jr. (Constable)


Legislative Personalities




1848-1850 -- Benjamin Kennedy (died while serving his term)

1940-1944 -- Vernon F. Anderson

1948-1952 -- D.D. Fullilove, III



1838-1840 -- Benjamin Kennedy

1846-1848 -- Benjamin Kennedy

1848-1852 -- Dr. C.M. Vaiden

1856-1860 -- S. Hawkins

1870-1872 -- J.C. McKenzie

1872-1874 -- W.H. Armistead

1876-1878 -- Dr. C.M. Vaiden

1880-1882 -- T.H. Somerville

1882-1888 -- H.C. Williamson

1890-1892 -- E.L. Conger

1897- -- Monroe McClurg

1900-1904 -- A.J. Coleman

1924-1928 -- C. Garland Hatcher

1928-1932 -- A.J. Coleman

1932-1936 -- Walter Elliott

1936-1940 -- Estes Armstrong

1940-1944 -- John Seales

1944-1948 -- Grover G. Bennett

1944-1948 -- Mrs. Mable Wilson (J.B.) Bruce

1948-1952 -- Mrs. Mynelle McClurg (T.C.) Vaiden


1952- -- Clarence A. Pierce, Jr. -- Mr. Pierce was the first representative from the 2nd District to be re-elected. He was Chairman of the Highways and Highway Financing and Chairman of Interstate Cooperation.


Clarence Pierce Plaque at West, Mississippi Rest Area

Lawyers of Vaiden


Judge Carter Glass, father of Fred Glass, Sr.

Joe Hirsh, left Vaiden for Memphis, where he established a law firm.

Amos A. Armistead, born in Vaiden in 1863. Spent childhood and a greater part of his life in Vaiden. Law degree from University of Mississippi. Practiced in Vaiden until 1890.

A.J. McConnico, Jr., was born in Vaiden on February 20, 1875. He graduated from Mt. Hermon Academy, Northfield, Massachusetts, in 1895, and from Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, in 1899, Ph.B., LL.B. He practiced law from 1902 until 1908. In 1909, he was appointed Consul at St. John's Quebec. He served as Consul as follows: Guadalahara, Mexico, 1919; Bluefields, Nicaragua, 1924; Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, temporarily, 1928; Hull, England, 1929. He retired in 1936, and died in 1969 in Jacksonville, Florida.

Fred Glass, Sr. Practiced in Vaiden and Winona for many years.

Simon Turner. A resudent of Carrollton, came to Vaiden to practice. Married Miss Alice Tolbert.

William Conger. Practiced in Vaiden for many years.

Frank Hawkins. Practiced law for a short time and then was made Superintendent of Vaiden Public Schools.

A.J. Coleman. Son of Calvin James and Aurelia Reeves Coleman. Born December 29, 1871, at Emory, Mississippi. Educated in Carroll County schools, French Camp Academy, and University of Mississippi. Married Lillian Louise Cearley of Oxfors. They had three children: Mary Louise, who died in infancy, Mrs. Jerred Aurelia (J.J.) Huffman of Eupora, and Alfred Jeremiah Coleman of Texas. Elected to State House of Representatives in 1903, and again in 1927. I 1948, was a member of Democratic States' Rights Party or "Dixiecrats." Went to Texas on "Dixiecrat Special." He served as attorney for the Federal Land Bank and Illinois Central Railroad. He was a Mason and a member of the Shongalo Presbyterian Church. He died July 2, 1957.

M.L. Boykin. Practiced in Vaiden for many years. Served for many years as Attorney for the Carroll County Board of Supervisors and the Town of Vaiden.

John Shands. Practiced in Vaiden at two different times during the 1950s and 1960s. Mr. Shands was married to the former Virginia Alice Price and had five children; Alice, Mark, Louisa (died in infancy, and is buried in Tupelo, MS), Rachel, and Morgan.

Luther Gilmer. Born in Clinchfield, Virginia. Married Henrietta B. Gilmer, B.S. Degree, University of Louisville, Kentucky, 1948. LL.B. Degree, University of Mississippi, Oxford, 1954. Practiced law in Vaiden from 1955-1959, returned in 1975. Was the Mississippi Attorney for the Federal Land Bank, New Orleans, 1959-1968. Employed for Disaster Counsel, SBA, Jackson, Mississippi, 1973-1975.

Some of the lawyers who were Vaiden natives but never practiced here are: Ike Stone, T.L. Haman, David Sanderson, Pittman Stone.




J.Z. George. Born 1826. Moved to the vicinity of Shongalo in 1834 and attended Richland Academy there. Married Miss Elizabeth Young of Carrollton. Served in the Mexican War. Served as Reporter of the Mississippi Supreme Court (while living in Vaiden). Member of 1861 convention which passed Ordinance of Secession. Served in the Civil War. Served as Chief Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court. Elected U.S. Senator.

Earl Brewer. Born six miles east of Vaiden. Educated in Carroll County Schools and received his training in law at the University of Mississippi. Served one term as a member of the State Senate. Served as District Attorney. He became the only Mississippi Governor ever elected unopposed in 1911.

Monroe McClurg. Born March 19, 1857, near Vaiden. County Representative in 1897. Member of the Mississippi Constitutional Convention in 1890. Attorney General of Mississippi from 1900-1905. Chairman of the Building Commission of the New Capitol. Represented Mississippi in Boundary dispute with the State of Louisiana. Married Ida Blanch Williams of Vaiden in 1881.

Dr. Larkin S. Rogers (1859-1920) was born in Carroll County near Vaiden. He attended the University of Oxford, Mississippi, for two years, then took medical courses while studying medicine under Dr. B.F. Kittrell at Black Hawk. He taught school between terms when he was a student at the University and while taking medical courses. Whle teaching school at Blackmonton, one of his pupils was Earl Brewer, who later became Governor of Mississippi.

Dr. Rogers was elected to the legislature from Holmes County in 1907. While a member of the legislature, he served on the Committee of Appropriations, Banks and Banking, Benevolent Institutions, and was Chairman of the Committee on Public Health and Quarrantine. During the session of 1908, he introduced and had passed a bill giving equal rights and privileges to all members of a family to mileage sold in the state. During the session of 1910, he introduced a Joint Resolution which was adopted, calling on members of congress from this state to ask for an appropriation to survey the Big Black River with view of draining low lands along this stream for agricultural purposes. He also introduced, and carried through successfully, a bill for a State Charity Hospital at Jackson. In recognition of his efforts to get this institution, the legislature voted unanimously to name it the "L.S. Rogers Charity Hospital."

In 1919, Dr. Rogers was elected to the office of State Treasurer and assumed the duties of this office in January, 1920. Dr. Rogers died suddenly on October 14, 1920. On October 15, the day of his funeral, both capitol buildings were closed all day out of respect for his memory.

James Somerville, Jr., son of James Somerville, Sr., and Anna Liddell Somerville, was born in Vaiden on July 24, 1892. Mr. Somerville was tutored for seven years by his stepmother, Elizabeth Liddell Somerville, his own mother's cousin. He furthered his education at Vaiden High School, French Camp Academy, military school, and Washington and Lee University. He majored in Greek, Latin, history and economics, receiving a B.A. in 1912, and an M.A. in 1913. Phi Beta Kappa, 1912, Phi Delta Theta -- Editor Rimg Tum Phi (University newspaper). Mr Somerville held a principal University Fellowship at Washington & Lee and served three years as an Assistant Professor of History. He taught at Marion Institute, Alabama, and was Headmaster of Chamberlain-Hunt Academy at Port Gibson, Mississippi.

In April, 1917, Mr. Somerville was turned down for active war duty because of his eyesight. He volunteered for overseas service with the YMCA and was assigned to Russia. The trip took five months through the Arctic Ocean to Murmansk, Russia, and one week by freight car to Moscow. Thus began a six year (1918-1924) period of service organizing Russian famine relief operations (four years with the YMCA, two years with the American Relief Administration under Herbert Hoover).

While in Russia, he met and married Olga Svetouchin in 1923. She died in 1963.

1925 -- Entered the U.S. Government service with the Bureau of Foreign Commerce as specialist in Russian affairs. 1926 -- Appointed Trade Commissioner in the office of Comercial Attache in London. 18 years of service in London Embassy, ending in 1944, included the following: Special reporting 14 years on Soviet Russian economic trade policies and activities; five years reporting on markets for U.S. agricultural products; seven years on markets for U.S. forest products -- including three years assignment at the request of the national Lumber Manufacturer's Association as Acting Lumber Trade Commissioner. Also on request of the State Department, did special reporting on British system of export credits and other forms of foreign trade financing.

1939 -- Transferred to State Department Foreign Service, continuing previous reporting as modified by war conditions.

1940-1941 -- Appointed Embassy Liason Officer with British Ministry on Economic Warfare. ON entry of U.S. in World War II, he was appointed Director of this division.

1943 -- Appointed First Secretary with Embassies to the six exiled governments then established in London.

1944 -- Appointed as Principal Economic Officer in American Embassy, Tehran, Iran.

1947-1948 -- Served as Acting Chief of Mission, Tehran Embassy.

1949-1952 -- Special assignment to Department of Commerce in Washington as Director, Eastern European Division and consultant on Middle Eastern Affairs.

1952 -- Retired from State Department, July 31.

1954-1974 -- Foreign representative for New York engineering firm, active in field of electric power.

1954-1974 -- Established own firm, James Somerville Associates, for purposes of acting as Washington representative and overseas consultant for principal power engineering client and other noncompetitive engineering firms. Missions included ten months in three trips to Brazil in 1952 and 1953 and six months in 1954 and 1955 in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Lebanon; also trips to Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Peru in 1956.

In 1965, Mr. Somerville married Marjorie Newcombe of London, England. They redided in Arlington, Virginia.

It is interesting to note how Mr. Somerville climbed the ladder of success from his first job at Vaiden Brick Company, where his father was manager. He was paid five cents an hour to haul bricks from the mold to the dryer. Later, he worked as Sexton of Shingalo Presbyterian Church for 50 cents per week.

Fredrick M. Glass, Jr. Born in Vaiden, he graduated from Winona High School and the University of Mississippi. Mr. Glass is President of Prudential Funds, Inc., of New York. He has served in key capacities with airlines and as President of the Airport Operator's Council. IN 1961, he served as Chairman of a task force on national aviation goals and was with the New York Port Authority for six years.


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