The Hill Murders




Carroll County Shooting

Lexington Advertiser, March 10, 1904. P.1.


“Father and Oldest Son Killed, Younger Son Wounded, in a ‘Difficulty Over Boundary Lines’ with Neighbors”


W.W. Hill, and his son, John, were killed and his youngest son, Hunter, was dangerously wounded by Aaron Stuart and his son, Ed, near Old Salem, in Carroll County, Monday.


It seems there existed a misunderstanding or rather a difference of opinion over the line that separated their lands that joined.  Stuart had cut a board-tree, claimed by Hill, and to settle their dispute they secured the services of W.W. Winn, their county surveyor, to establish the correct line.  It was during this survey that the difficulty ensued and caused the death of a father and a son and the serious wounding of another.  A number of persons were present and witnessed the encounter.


W.W. Hill – 05/26/1854 – 03/07/1904


John Henry Hill – 11/14/1879 – 03/07/1904


Hunter Hill – 01/??/1881 – 03/11/1904


The Weekly Corinthian. (Corinth, Miss.), 09 March 1904. P.1.




Double Tragedy at Vaiden

Grenada Sentinel, March 12, 1904.  P.1.


VAIDEN, MISS., -- March 7 – News reached here this afternoon that in a fight between Aaron Stewart and son, on one side, and W.W. Hill and two sons on the other, the Stewarts shot and killed W.W. Hill and son John Hill, and seriously wounded Hunter Hill.  The weapons used were 38-caliber Smith and Wesson pistols.  The difficulty arose in a dispute over a boundary line. The parties were neighbors, living about twelve miles west of here.




Three Men Dead: Two in Prison

The Commonwealth, Greenwood, Miss., March 12, 1904.  P.1.


“Deadly Duel Near Old Salem in Carroll County



Carrollton – March 8 – Details of the difficulty near Old Salem, fifteen miles south of here, yesterday, have been received.  The trouble was between W.M. Hill and his two sons, John and Hunter Hill, and A.N. Stewart and his son, Ed Stewart.  As a result W.W. Hill and John Hill are both dead and Hunter Hill cannot live. Sheriff McDougal and Deputy Sheriff Edwards went to the scene of the crime last night, captured the two Stewarts, and put them in jail here this evening.


The difficulty came up over a tree on Hill’s land, which Stewart had cut to make boards.  Hill ordered Stewart to abandon work on the tree until the county surveyor could be summoned, the lines run out, and the matter legally settled.  Yesterday the Surveyor ran the lines. It seems that the tree was on Hill’s land, according to the line just run.  Ed Stewart remarked that anybody who said that was the correct location of the line was a liar.  John Hill became offended at this and struck Ed Stewart in the face with his fist.  Stewart drew a pistol and opened fire on John Hill, killing him instantly.  W.W. Hill, seeing his son was killed, pulled up a stake that had been put down as a corner mark and struck Ed Stewart on the head.  The report is that A.N. Stewart then drew his pistol, killed W.W. Hill, and shot Hunter Hill.


Both families are prominent and highly connected.  Mr. Stewart and Ed Stewart are both in jail and demand a preliminary trial at once.  Everything is quiet and no further trouble is feared.