Vaiden Confederate Monument Inscriptions


Located on the Courthouse Square


Monument Faces South



The Soldier


More Pictures of the Soldier (Drone Photos Courtesy of Kenny King)


Image 1      Image 2      Image 3



South Inscriptions:


Sacred to the memory of the Confederate Soldier who fought for principles that can never die,

as long as a sense of right and patriotism dwell in the human breast.


Confederate Heroes







West Inscriptions:






“Lest We Forget”






____________________________________ ___________________________________



North Inscriptions:


Erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy


June 3, 1912


“Many of whom gave all and all of whom gave much”






East Inscriptions:


“When the last trumpet is sounded, may each one answer the roll call of the heavenly army.”


The war on the part of the South was for the defense of our inherent unalienable right.


Jefferson Davis




Confederate Monument Photos

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3

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Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 7

Photo 8

Photo 9


The celebrated unveiling of a Confederate Monument, erected by the local chapter U.D.C., in the Vaiden Court Square, to the memory of heroic effort of Confederate Soldiers -- living and dead -- was performed Friday, May 12, 1912. Another date given for its unveiling is June 3, 1912, as listed and illustrated on page 124 of Confederate Monuments: Enduring Symbols of the South and the War Between the States, by Ralph W. Widener, Jr., Ph.D., and is published by Andromeda Associates, Washington, D.C.  The correct date on the monument is June 3, 1912.


1912 Article in The Confederate Veteran (Volume XX, P. 412) by J.B. Haman Describing the Unveiling of the Vaiden Confederate Monument and the Speech by Dr. B.F. Ward

Dr. B.F. Ward Describes the Battle of Gettysburg     Part 1     Part 2

[NOTE: The above description by Dr. Ward of the Battle of Gettysburg, is not thought to be part of his speech at the unveiling Vaiden Confederate Monument.]



Article Taken From Carroll News

Published at Vaiden, dated June 13, 1912, Relates Interesting Story

[as related by the Vaiden Heritage]

The unveiling of the handsome three thousand dollar monument, erected by the local chapter U.D.C., in the Court Square, to the memory of heroic effort of Confederate soldiers – living and dead – was fittingly performed Friday, May 12, 1912.

All arrangements had been made, considerable trouble and expense encountered, when on the evening before a rain and thunder storm caused the various committees to entertain grave fears for successful termination, but during the night a gentle breeze sprung up from the north which drove the obscuring clouds away, cooled the atmosphere and heralded a most perfect day.

The program started with music by the Durant Coronet Band, followed by the patriotic “Dixie” by large numbers of school children and prayer by Rev. T.L. Haman.  The welcome address was happily delivered by Mr. C.L. Armstrong who declared: “I was the youngest soldier in the army.”  When in reality he is old, and instead of being in the Confederate army, was at home nursing a sugar-bag.

Senator H.D. Money was assigned a place on the program and was expected to deliver an address, but to the disappointment of all present his health would not permit the undertaking.  The vacancy was filled by Col. W.A. Montgomery of Jackson who “sniffed the smoke of battle” and acquitted himself with credit.

The song, “Our Boys in Gray” by Mesdames S.P. Armstrong, Harris Stubblefield and R.S. Bailey; recitation “The Conquering Banner” by Miss Addie B. Tillman, replied to by Miss Sarah Avery, with a second response by Miss Zou Eddie Boyette, were all good, and deserving of the numerous compliments which were audible throughout the court room.

Dr. B.F. Ward was not expected to speak until in the afternoon but as the morning program had been completed, not yet dinner time, and eager to hear him, the committee let him deliver his address on the installment plan.  Accordingly, the venerable Doctor was introduced, launched out on the subject of “History” and if there was anyone present who ever doubted Dr. Ward’s ability as a scholar and historian, such ideas were certainly annihilated.

Mrs. S.E. McConnico, President of the local chapter U.D.C. read a paper in acceptance of the monument on the part of the Chapter, being followed by an acceptance address on behalf of the county supervisors, by Mr. T.H. Armstrong, Sr.  Mr. Armstrong also related several war incidents and was the recipient of much commendation.

Masters Rodney Armstrong and Rhesa Hawkins did the unveiling.  “Lest We Forget,” by 13 young ladies, representing each of the states that seceded, and patriotic “Dixie” by the band concluded the program.

A most sumptuous dinner was served on the grounds, and to say that the unveiling ceremonies were successful from start to finish is putting it mildly.


NOTE: McNeel Marble Company of Marietta, GA made the Confederate Statue that still stands at Vaiden, as of 02/23/2016





Confederate Monument


The Vaiden Chapter


June 7, 1912

Court House

Compliments of The Medium

Vaiden, Mississippi


9:30 a.m. June 7.

1.      Dixie by School Children

2.      Prayer by Rev. T.L. Haman

3.      Welcome Address by C.L. Armstrong

4.      Address by Senator H.D. Money

5.      Song “Our Boys in Gray are Growing Old”  [by] Mesdames S.P. Armstrong, Harris Stubblefield, and R.S. Bailey.

6.      Reading.  Misses Addie B. Tillman, Helen Avery, and Zou Eddie Boyette.


1.     Bonnie Blue Flag by School Children

2.     Introduction of Dr. Ward by David Sanderson.

3.     Address by Dr. Ward

4.     Presentation of Monument

5.     Acceptance of Monument by Mrs. S.E. McConnico.

6.     Unveiling.

7.     Song. “Lest We Forget” by Thirteen Young Ladies.


I wish I was in de land ob cotton,

Old times dar am Not forgotten. 

Look away, Look away! Look away!

Dixie Land.

In Dixie Land whar I was born in.

Early on one frosty mornin

Look away, Look away [Look away]

Dixie Land.


Den I wish I was in Dixie,

Hooray!  Hooray!

In Dixie land, I’ll take my stand

To libe and die in Dixie,

A-way, a-way, a-way down south in Dixie

A-way, a-way, a-way down south in Dixie.

Old Missus marry “Will deweaber.”

Willum was a gay deceaber;

Look away, look away, look away,

Dixie Land.

But when he put his arm around’er.

He smiled as fierce as a forty pounder.

Look away, look away, look away Dixie land. – Chorus

His face was as sharp as a butcher’s cleaber,

But dat did not seem to greaber;

Look away, look away, [Look away],

Dixie Land.

Old Missus acted the foolish part.

And died for the man dat broke her heart.

Look away, look away, [Look away],

Dixie land. – Chorus

Now here’s a health to the next old Missus,

And all the girls dat Want to kiss us;

Look away, look away, Look away,

Dixie land.

Den if you want to drive away sorrow.

Come and hear dis Song tomorrow,

Look away, look away, [Look away],

Dixie land – Chorus

Dar’s buck wheat cakes and Ingen batter.

Makes you fat or a little fatter;

Look away, look away, look away,

Dixie land.

Den hoe it down in scratch your grabble.

To Dixie’s land I’m bound to trabbel.

Look away, look away, look away,

Dixie land. – Chorus


We are a band of brothers And native to the soil,

Fighting for the property We gained by honest toil;

And when our rights were threatened, The cry rose far and near –

“Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag That bears the single star.”


Hurrah! Hurrah! For the Southern rights hurrah –

Hurrah for the Bonnie Flag That bears the single star.

As long as the Union Was faithful to her trust

Like friends and like brothers Both kind we were and just;

But Low, when Northern treachery Attempts our rights to mar,

We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears the star. – Chorus

First gallant, South Carolina made the stand,

Then came Alabama, Who took her by the hand;

Next quickly Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida

All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears the single star – Chorus

[Ed. Note:  Actually the order of secession in the previous stanza is incorrect. As listed on,  the correct order is as follows: South Carolina – 12/20/1860; Mississippi – 01/09/1861; Florida – 01/10/1861; Alabama – 01/11/1861; Georgia – 01/19/1861; Louisiana – 01/26/1861; Texas – 02/01/1861 (ratified 02/23/1861);  Virginia – 04/17/1861 (ratified 05/23/1861);  Arkansas – 05/06/1861; North Carolina – 05/20/1861; Tennessee – referendum 05/06/1861 (ratified 06/08/1861); Missouri – 10/31/1861; and Kentucky – 11/20/1861.]

And here’s to Old Virginia – The Old Dominion State –

When the young Confederacy At length has linked her fate,

Impelled by her example, Now other states prepare

To hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears the single star – Chorus

Then here’s to our Confederacy Strong and we are brave,

Like patriots of old we fight Our heritage to save.

And rather than submit to shame To die we would prefer;

So cheer the Bonnie Blue Flag That bears the single star. – Chorus

Then cheer, boys, cheer: Raise the joyous shout,

For Arkansas and North Carolina Now have both gone out;

And let another rousing cheer For Tennessee be given,

The single star of the Bonnie Flag has grown to be eleven. – Chorus


The Carrollton Confederate Monument