3M Diskettes, Video Tapes, and other Recording Media.
GSI Hard Drive Controllers.
Adaptec Controllers, etc.
APC Brownout and Power Loss Protection.
AMD Processors.
Apple Home of the MacIntosh
ATI Video Boards.
Compaq Computers and monitors.
Cray Research The world's fastest supercomputers. How does
a Petabyte (1000 times atrillion bytes) of memory and well over
300 Gigaflops/second sound? And you thought your
measly little Pentium IV 3.06GHz was fast?
However, the Cray is still not the fastest.
See Intel.
Creative Labs SoundBlaster & Awe64 sound cards, & Multimedia kits.
Dell Computers and systems.
Diamond Multimedia Multimedia Kits, & and Video.
Digital Equipment Corp. (merged with Compaq) Computers.
Epson Printers and Scanners.
Fujitsu Hard drives.
Hauppauge Win/TV.
Hayes The standard that all other modems emulate.
Hercules Video drivers and boards.
Hewlett Packard The laser printer company; scanners and computers too.
Mustek Scanners.
IBM Computers, & more.
Iomega Mass storage devices.
Kingston Memory.
Viking Memory.
Lexmark Printers.
Logitech Mice, Trackballs, Scanners.
Mag Innovision Monitors.
Matrox Power graphics and video boards.
Maxtor Hard drives.
Micron Among the fastest personal computers.
Motorola Modems and Communication products.
NEC Monitors, computers, CD-Roms and more.
Okidata Printers & etc.
Packard Bell Computers & more.
Phoenix High Performance BIOS Chips.
Pioneer CD Rom and Optical Products
Plextor CD-Roms.
QMS Printers.
Rockwell Aerospace, chipmakers, & etc.
Samsung Monitors, semiconductors & more.
Seagate Hard drives.
Shiva Comservers & Networking Equipment.
Simple Technology Memory.
Sony Electronics, Monitors, VCRs, Stereo Equipment, etc.
Sony Recordable CD Information
Sun Computer Systems
Tandy Home of Radio Shack.
Texas Instruments Laptops, & electronics.
Toshiba Laptops, hard drives, electronics, & etc.
Turtle Beach Multimedia drives, cards, and kits.
U.S. Robotics Modems.
ViewSonic Monitors.
Western Digital Hard drives.
Zenith Data Systems Computers, electronics, & more.
Zoom Telephonics Modems.