Prior Vaiden School to be Town CenterConversion Plans Now Underway for Change-OverThe Winona
Times, Friday, December 6, 1957.
Pp. 1, 4. At a meeting in the Vaiden Courthouse Monday, the County School Board conveyed to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Vaiden, and their successors through a quit claim, the recently-abandoned former two Colored school buildings and grounds for use as a Community Center. Also at a meeting and acting as spokesman in
requesting return of the abandoned colored school property for use as a
Community Center was Dr. H.R. Power. It
had originally been stipulated that should the property be abandoned as a
colored school it would revert to the Town of Vaiden for use as a Community
Center. The property was abandoned as a
school with the opening of the new Colored school on Highway 51. Tuesday, the Vaiden Garden Club met and set aside
$75 to further the Community Center project. Organization of a Community Center planning
committee is now underway, states Dr. Power, with a tentatively proposed
membership consisting of three representatives from each of Vaiden’s four
churches, one representative from the Garden Club, one from the Beatty Home
Demonstration Club, and one from the Town Board. Church representatives will include members of the Vaiden Lions
Club and Chamber of Commerce. Community Center present plans provide for setting
aside two nights a week for youth activities, and other nights for the civic
club meetings, programs, and parties. Call is issued to all citizens to volunteer their
time and assistance in carrying out the repairs to buildings, interior
painting, and work on the grounds that will be necessary to make the Center a
point of pride and credit to the entire community. Later, chaperone groups will also be needed, states Dr.
Power. Contributions of furniture,
games, card tables, book racks, and similar needed equipment and furnishings
are also sought. |