


Vaiden Negro School – North Vaiden


Lexington Firm Wins Contract To Build Vaiden Negro School

The Conservative, June 29, 1956.  P. 1.


The Lexington Lumber Company of Lexington was the low bidder for general construction work on the new school for Negroes to be erected with state funds at Vaiden.  The bid was set at $132,754.00.


The plumbing and heating job will be done by Prather & Seal of Jackson, who bid $19,300.00, and the electrical installations will be made by J.V. Kemp of Louisville on a bid of $6946.00.


The total of all bids is $159,000.00.  On completion, the new building will furnish ten classrooms, a library, a science department, a clinic, offices, and various other necessary rooms.  The building will be erected north of Vaiden on land purchased from R.S. McCorkle.


This is the last new school building planned for the Negroes of the county at the present time.  It will give the county three large new school buildings, modern in every respect, and these will adequately care for most of the Negro students of the county.  A few are to be transferred to Leflore County for convenience of transportation.  All three new buildings are being constructed entirely with state funds.