Schedules and Scores And Other Information (Where Available) Team Names (from memory): Vaiden Bulldogs;
Kilmichael Hornets; Durant Tigers; Carrollton Senators; Ackerman Senators?;
Maben Blue Devils; Weir Lions; Sturgis Lions; Mathiston
Panthers; French Camp Panthers; Source: The Conservative, Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Source: The Conservative, Schedule Source: The
Conservative, Score Sources: The Conservative, Date n/a NOTE: An article in The Conservative on Schedule Source: The
Conservative, Score Sources: The Conservative, Date n/a Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Score Sources: The Bulldog
(Vaiden Yearbook), Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Cheerleaders: Beverly Bingham, Peggy Jo Ellis, Andrea Tate, Allese Yates, Barbara Moorehead, Jean Summers and Nancy Holly Homecoming Queen: Janice Tate Queens Escorts: Phillip Hodges and Tommy Caldwell Flower Girl: Nancy Bailey Crown Bearer: Homecoming Court (other than listed above): Judy Brooks, Jimmy Griffin, Melanie Sanders, Bernard Evans, Beverly Bingham, Billy Mims, Nancy Holly, Mack Hatcher, Dawn Marie Rosamond, Jerry Bruce, Judy Welch, and Harold King. Mr. And Miss Vaiden High: Phillip Hodges and Janice Tate Most Handsome and Most Beautiful: Pat Riley and Beverly Bingham Senior Favorites: Mack Hatcher and Janice Tate Junior Favorites: Billy Mims and Beverly Bingham Sophomore Favorites: Ronald Miller and Jean Cooke Freshman Favorites: Tommy Thornton and Melanie Sanders Most Popular: Nancy Holly and Tommy Caldwell Most Intellectual: Bobby Oliver and Judy Mayfield Most Versatile: Sheila Grantham and Phillip Hodges Best Athlete: Tommy Butler and Sheila Grantham Most Polite: Allese Yates and Bill Nelms Friendliest: Dotty Bingham and Bob Nelms FFA Sweet heart: Margaret Dorman Majorettes: Mary Ethel Welch,
Janice Boone, Judy Mayfield, Melanie Sanders, Kay Palmertree,
Band Director: Mr. James Persons Senior Officers: Reporter: Nancy Holly; Vice-President: Bobby Oliver; President: Phillip Hodges; Secretary: Janice Tate; Sponsor: Mr. James Alford; Watch Dog: Billy Eades; Sponsor: Mr. Tom Dulin Jaycee Bowl
Bulldogs Coaches were: Jack Hemphill (Head Coach), and Curtis Armstrong. Players were: Tommy Butler (Quarterback), Phillip Hodges (Halfback), Tommy Caldwell (Guard), Billy Eades (Halfback), Pat Riley (End), Jerry Bruce (Halfback), Bobby Oliver (Tackle), Glen Robertson (Center), Mack Hatcher (End), Roy Briscoe (Guard), William Meredith (Fullback), Billy Mims (Fullback), James Brooks (Tackle), Troy Hodges (Tackle), Bill Leamond (Quarterback), Larry Self (End), Bernard Evans (Guard), Tommy Oakes (Halfback), Bradford Watkins (Fullback), Stanley Stuart (End), Ronald Miller (Tackle), Bobby Reed (Halfback), Allen Winters (End), and Billy Joe Ferguson (Center). Managers were: Avalon Tindoll and Tody Downs. Cheerleaders were: Beverly Bingham, Peggy Jo Ellis, Andrea Tate, Allese Yates, Barbara Moorehead, Jean Summers, and Nancy Holly. Jaycee Bowl Trophy Winners: Most Improved: William Meredith; Sportsmanship: Mack Hatcher; Best Lineman: Glen Robertson; Best Back and J.C. Bowl: Tommy Butler; J.C. Bowl: Tommy Caldwell Mid-State Conference All Stars: Pat Riley, William Meredith, Tommy Caldwell, Mack Hatcher, Tommy Butler, Glen Robertson, Billy Mims, and Phillip Hodges. Mid-State Conference Coach of the Year: Coach Jack Hemphill Score Source: The Bulldog
(Vaiden Yearbook), Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Bulldogs Pat
Riley and Billy Mims Pat
Riley is named Vaiden Captain Cheerleaders: Barbara Moorehead, Andrea Tate, Jean Summers, Cindy Trimble, Allese Yates, Beverly Bingham, Sheila Grantham Homecoming Court: Inez Cockrell,
John Acey, Judy Cummins, Bernard Evans, Beverly
Bingham, James Ray Brooks, Pat Riley (Escort), Allese
Yates (Queen), Roy Briscoe (Escort), Sheila Grantham, William Meredith, Schedule Source: The
Conservative, Line-up: (Source: Vaiden Coaches: Farris Jenkins, James Whitehead, Jr., Curtis Armstrong Players: Ronald Miller (Guard); Billy Joe Ferguson (Tackle); Frank Leamond (Guard); Stanley Stuart (Quarterback); Kim Loftin (Halfback); Jerry Bruce (Halfback All Conference); Ronnie Armstrong (End); Tommy Oaks (Guard); Eugene Acy (End); Bernard Evans (Guard); Larry Self (Fullback); Robert McEachern (Tackle); Doug McElroy (Center); Mike Evans (Quarterback); Larry Hodges (Tackle); Albert Cuomo (Halfback); George Briscoe (Guard); Jimmy Griffin (Halfback); Joe Don Jones (Halfback); Wayne Cooke (Quarterback); Lamar Compton (Fullback); Ronnie Ferguson (Center); Jerry Acy (Quarterback); Charles Stewart (End); Ronald Burkett (Tackle); Gordon Denton (Halfback); Harold King (End). Managers: Billy Cummins and John Acy Cheerleaders: Jean Summers (Head), Diane Goss, Andrea Tate, Sheila Grantham, Jean Cooke, Cindy Trimble, Barbara Moorehead. Homecoming Court: Kenneth Mims and Lillian Alford (Seventh Grade), Kim Loftin and Bonnie Goss (Freshmen), Bernard Evans and Judy Goss (Juniors), Jean Cooke (Queen) & Jerry Bruce (Escort) (Seniors), Dawn Marie Rosamond, Ronald Miller, Reida Loftin and Ronnie Ferguson (Sophomores), Kay Hambrick and Bill Brooks (Eighth Grade), Trent Evans (Crown Bearer)(First Grade), and Quitta Wiltshire (Flower Girl)(First Grade). Band Director: Bob Esterline. Majorettes: 1965 Scores (Partial) and Schedule Schedule Source: The
Conservative, 09/09/1965. P Score Sources: The Conservative, Date n/a 09/10
Sturgis, here 09/17
Vardaman, here 09/24
Ethel, there 10/08
Weir, here 10/15
Kilmichael, there 10/22
McAdams, here 10/29
This collection, generously provided by Ronald Miller, contains scans of football scores and schedules, school plays, newspaper clippings of the famous / infamous Vaiden football teams of the early 1960s, graduation programs, and class reunions up to, and including the Vaiden High School Class of 1965. Rather than separate these different scans and place them by the year they occurred, it was decided to keep all of these together to preserve the posterity of the collection, and to display the information pertaining to the early 1960s, culminating in the 1965 Vaiden High School Graduation. Schedule Source: The
Conservative, Score Sources: The Conservative, Date n/a Head Coach: Hugh Shearer; Assistant Coach: Burdette Montague 1967 Scores (Partial) and Schedule Schedule and Score Sources: The Conservative, Date n/a 09/15 Sturgis (H) Lost 13-6 09/22 Vardaman (H) Lost 19-14 09/29 10/06 Weir (HC) Lost 20-13 10/13 Maben (Away) 10/20 Kilmichael (Away) Lost 18-6 10/27 Mathiston (Away)Lost 13-7 11/03 French Camp (Away) 11/10 1967 Vaiden Bulldogs vs J.Z.
George ( (Click on each image to enlarge) Schedule Courtesy of John Pope 1968 Scores (Partial) and Schedule Schedule and Score Sources: The Conservative, Date n/a French Camp (H) Won 20-18 Weir (A) Lost 13-0 Maben (A) Won 34-0 Kilmichael (H) Lost 26-7 Mathiston (H) Lost 28-7 McAdams (A) Lost 7-6 1970 Scores (Partial) and Schedule Schedule and Score Sources: The
Conservative, 08/27/1970 P. 1 09/04 09/11 French Camp Home 09/18 Ethel Away 09/25 Vardaman Away 10/02 Open 10/09 Durant Home 10/16 Kilmichael Home 10/23 Mathiston Home 10/30 McAdams Away 11/06 1972 Scores (Partial) and Schedule Schedule and Score Sources: The Conservative, Date n/a 09/08 French Camp Home Won 48-6 09/15 Noxapater Home -- Won ? 09/22 Ethel There Won 12-0 09/29 Vardaman There Won 14-0 10/06 Weir There 10/13 Durant Home 10/20 Kilmichael Home Won 44-6 10/27 Mathiston Home 11/03 McAdams There 11/10 J.Z. George There Lost 26-6 Bulldogs and Wildcats Become
Jaguars with School Consolidation Cheers Of course, we all remember the standard
cheers: Hit em a Lick, Hit em a Lick, Harder! Harder! and Push em Back,
Knock em Back, W-a-a-y Back!, and Hit em Up Side The Head; Hit em Up Side
The Head Hey! Hey! Hey! and First and Ten, Lets Do It Again! and Two Bits,
Four Bits, Six Bits, A Dollar; All For Vaiden, Stand Up And Holler! Do you remember any special cheers? Heres One from the More To Come !!